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During the occupation, Lezian instructs all Singers to watch out for signs of Radiants.{{book ref|sa4|58}}
When Raboniel finds a node powering the [[Sibling]]'s defenses exposed to Stormlight, the Sibling asks for Kaladin's help, who finds Lezian and Raboniel waiting for him there.{{book ref|sa4|58}}{{book ref|sa4|59}} Lezian immediately engages him in a duel and drops his first body, teleporting to get close. This time, he makes it much difficult for Kaladin to predict where he would materialize, but the latter still manages to use his powers and spear to immobilize both of Lezian's hands. Instead of trying to break himself free, Lezian just teleports and drops his second body, using it to trap Kaladin's spear and keep it away from him. As before, Lezian is able to capitalize on his close quarters fighting style alongside Kaladin's relative inexperience with fighting an opponent like him to pin him with a chokehold. He then takes the opportunity to further drain Kaladin's morale by explaining to him that even if Kaladin manages to beat him a second time, he would never stop coming for him.{{book ref|sa4|59}} However, [[Syl]] distracts him by acting as a [[voidspren]], which allows Kaladin enough leeway to break free while still leaving Lezian stuck to the floor. He promptly drops a third body and teleports away to reinfuse and resupply.{{book ref|sa4|59}} When he returns to continue the duel, Kaladin quickly makes him drop two bodies by using full lashings to stick him to the floor, and then rolling away out of reach.{{book ref|sa4|59}} Lezian still manages to bring this back and forth to a stalemate using the husk of his second body as an impromptu floor, making it very hard for Kaladin to retrieve his stormlight from his full lashings.{{book ref|sa4|59}} When Kaladin simply turns around and starts running away, Lezian uses the respite to resupply from some of the voidlight that Raboniel is carrying with her, and gives chase. This time howeveragain, Kaladin is able to bait him into materializing and dropping several bodies quickly, and then, with the Sibling's help, Kaladinhe is able to use Lezian's tendency to materialize behind him to trap his fourth and final body in a closed room.{{book ref|sa4|59}}
Kaladin ultimately kills him again just prior to the restoration of the [[Sibling]] and names him the "Defeated One".