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== History ==
=== Previous Desolations ===
Lezian was the first Fused to have ever been killed by a human. To avoid the shame that came from this, he startedwent ainto traditionbattle ofseeking huntingonly downthe thosehuman that had previously killed him, andignoring claimingall theirorders lifeand rationality, whichand leadssucceeded intoin killing him. beingThis givenstarted thehis titletradition "The- Pursuer"every time someone managed to kill him, Lezian would single-mindedly chase them and claim their life.{{book ref|sa4|14}}{{wob ref|14215}} He wasnever sofailed at this, always successfully dedicatedmanaging to thisfind thatand kill the humans who had bested him before every Isolation. Once an Isolation began, he would even kill himself onceto theavoid [[Herald]]shaving returnedto return to [[Braize]] without killing his killer in turn.{{book ref|sa4|14}} When not actively pursuing a previous killer, toLezian avoidwould beinggo after the strongest enemy radiants effectively creating a cycle of either killing the strongest enemies, or getting killed by athem, humanand hethen couldn'tpursuing laterthem Pursueuntil they died, then picking the next strongest radiant, and so on and forth.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
He was so successful at this that the other Fused encouraged his tradition, giving him leeway to act and Pursue his quandary even outside normal command structures, though he was also reckless enough to have endangered others' plans, ruining missions and undermining strategies.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
=== The True Desolation ===