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'''Lezian''', also known as '''The Pursuer''', is aone of the ''nex-im'', or "Those Ones ofa Husks"rare [[Fused]] onbrand [[Roshar]]which has access to the Surge of Transportation.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
=== Appearance ===
Lezian is described as being easily seven feet tall. He has hair the color of dried blood, whichand it seems to meld into his clothing, which is woven out of his hair. His skin is pure black, with lines of red marbling around his softly glowing red eyes. He also has a markedly wicked-looking jagged carapace, with a strange pair of carapace fins/horns rising above his ears.{{book ref|sa4|1}}
It is unknown which of these characteristics (other than his skin color and patterning) are uniquely his, over being shared with other nex-im.