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'''Lezian''', also known as '''The Pursuer''', is a nex-im, or "Those Ones of Husks" [[Fused]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa4|14}} As a nex-im, Lezian has access to the [[Surge#Transportation|Surge of Transportation]]. Lezian is named The Pursuer, due to his tradition of hunting down those that had previously killed him and claiming their life. This tradition was started to avoid the shame of being the first Fused to be killed by a human.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
He is killed by Kaladin twice during the course of [[RhythmOfWar]]: once during the Battle of Hearthstone, and a second time during the final stages of the Battle for the Tower. When he returns after his second death, [[El]] annihilates him with a dagger charged with [[Lights#Anti-Voidlight|anti-Voidlight]] in order to test whether the inverse Lights functions as Raboniel theorized.
== Notes ==