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After Syl locates the node, and Kaladin disengages with Leshwi to deal with it, Lezian is again free to interfere. He is prepared for this eventuality, of Kaladin having to dive into the well, and smiles as he seals Kaladin inside by putting a wooden lid on top. He then directs people to stand on it to account for Kaladin's potential use of lashings to lift the lid.{{book ref|sa4|70}} While he waits outside for Kaladin to suffocate, Kaladin is able to escape by finding a different way out.
After this event, Lezian is left with more free reign in leading the occupation efforts, as Raboniel is focused more on her research. His troops dominated the Tower, and reports of singer violence against the humans grew.{{book ref|sa4|74}} As rumors of the confrontation in the market spread, the Fused try to counter Kaladin's growing reputation by spinning the narrative, and Venli thinks that Lezian is behind their messaging, as she feels that Raboniel would have taken a subtler approach.{{book ref|sa4|74}} Later, when people start marking themselves with the shash glyph as a sign of defiance against the Fused, and support for Kaladin, Lezian orders his men to beat those that do so. Raboniel, however, revokes this order the next day.{{book ref|sa4|79}} Though Raboniel tries to rein him and his men in, he keeps pushing for more brutality in the Tower. Raboniel's occasional orders to maintain peace in the Tower barely restrain him and his men, and humans tended to avoid the area where they were housed.{{book ref|sa4|83}} He posts several Regals on rotation in the infirmary where Lirin and Hesina have been hiding, and Lirin suspects that this is specifically because Lezian knows they are there, even if he cannot do anything while Leshwi's influence protects them.{{book ref|sa4|79}} Leshwi, on the otherhand, thinks that Lezian is not so subtle, and that this was more Raboniel's hand showing.{{book ref|sa4|83}}
|It isn’t the hiding that protects you, it is Lady Leshwi’s favor. Without it, the Pursuer would kill you, no matter what you did to prove yourself. He’d kill other Fused, if he thought it would let him fulfill his tradition. And the others would applaud him.
|Venli to [[Lirin]] and Hesina{{book ref|sa4|74}}
After this event, Lezian is left with more free reign in leading the occupation efforts, as Raboniel is focused more on her research. His troops dominated the Tower, and reports of singer violence against the humans grew.{{book ref|sa4|74}} As rumors of the confrontation in the market spread, the Fused try to counter Kaladin's growing reputation by spinning the narrative, and Venli thinks that Lezian is behind their messaging, as she feels that Raboniel would have taken a subtler approach.{{book ref|sa4|74}} Later, when people start marking themselves with the shash glyph as a sign of defiance against the Fused, and support for Kaladin, Lezian orders his men to beat those that do so. Raboniel, however, revokes this order the next day.{{book ref|sa4|79}} Though Raboniel tries to rein him and his men in, he keeps pushing for more brutality in the Tower. Raboniel's occasional orders to maintain peace in the Tower barely restrain him and his men, and humans tended to avoid the area where they were housed.{{book ref|sa4|83}} He posts several Regals on rotation in the infirmary where [[Lirin]] and [[Hesina]] have been hiding, and Lirin suspects that this is specifically because Lezian knows they are there, even if he cannot do anything while Leshwi's influence protects them.{{book ref|sa4|79}} Leshwi, on the otherhand, thinks that Lezian is not so subtle, and that this was more Raboniel's hand showing.{{book ref|sa4|83}}
When the final node is found, and Kaladin and company make preparations, Kaladin and [[Teft]] realize that like the last two times, the Pursuer would be waiting for him with a trap ready.{{book ref|sa4|100}} Meanwhile, Raboniel, who has sent the Pursuer to break the node, suspects he is deliberately stalling to lure Kaladin, and sends [[Vyre]] out to do the task.{{book ref|sa4|102}} As Kaladin approaches what he expects to be a trap, he sees the Pursuer waiting for him, and engages.{{book ref|sa4|103}}
====Restoration of the Sibling====
|I’ve heard what people say about you. Your life isn’t the blood in your veins, but the legend you live. Each death kills that legend a little more.
Kaladin ultimately kills him again just prior to the restoration of the [[Sibling]] and names him the "Defeated One".
|Kaladin to Lezian{{book ref|sa4|103}}
When the final node is found, and Kaladin and company make preparations, Kaladin and [[Teft]] realize that like the last two times, the Pursuer would be waiting for him with a trap ready.{{book ref|sa4|100}} Meanwhile, Raboniel, who has sent the Pursuer to break the node, suspects he is deliberately stalling to lure Kaladin, and sends [[Vyre]] out to do the task.{{book ref|sa4|102}} As Kaladin approaches what he expects to be a trap, he sees the Pursuer sitting in the center of the atrium waiting for him, and engages.{{book ref|sa4|102}} Their contest quickly takes centerstage, and even the [[Fused#Shanay-im|Heavenly Ones]] descend to watch.{{book ref|sa4|103}} Like before, Lezian immediately drops his body as his first husk, streaking forward in ribbon form to grapple with his opponent. Kaladin expects this and drops his spear, catching Lezian's wrists as he manifests a body, willingly entering the grapple. Lezian manages to hook Kaladin's foot and shove him to the ground, but Kaladin is able to pull him down with him. As before, Lezian taunts him, but this time, Kaladin correctly surmises that the most important thing to Lezian is his legend, and that each time he loses to Kaladin, that legend dies a little bit more.{{book ref|sa4|103}} He then uses Navani's fabrial, which he has shifted around from a glove to a belt, to break the wrestle.{{book ref|sa4|103}}
====The Sibling's Restoration====
|You’re no soldier. That’s what I realized about you, Defeated One. You’ve never faced death.
|Kaladin to Lezian{{book ref|sa4|104}}
As Kaladin and Lezian were wrestling, the Singers cleared the atrium of civilians. The Shanay-im floating and watching from the air, and the crowds watching from the upper balconies, the atrium is effectively turned into an improptu arena between Kaladin and Lezian.{{book ref|sa4|104}} Lezian begins this second round of their fight by lunging for Kaladin, who immediately engages his fabrial to pull back and stay out of range. Lezian, who begins to understand the stakes of this contest, wants to end it quickly, and drops his second body, shooting towards Kaladin as a ribbon. They wrestle again as Lezian materializes his third body, and Kaladin tries to use a knife to wound Lezian, as before hoping to force Lezian to spend his precious voidlight healing. Lezian, who is taking this contest extremely seriously, manages to make Kaladin drop his knife. But Kaladin continues to goad him, declaring that Lezian is no soldier, not having faced death as frequently as Kaladin as has. As he takes the upper hand, he further taunts him by saying that thousands of years of life have not prepared Lezian to face someone like Kaladin, who doesn't fear him. And as Kaladin pulls out a second knife from his boot, Lezian, thrown off his game, drops his third body, streaking out as a ribbon and manifesting his fourth and final one, in which he is vulnerable. Kaladin declares him "the Defeated One."{{book ref|sa4|104}}
====Aftermath of the Occupation====
