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=== The True Desolation ===
==== The Evacuation of Hearthstone ====
Lezian first appears at [[Hearthstone]] in 1175, just before the [[Knights Radiant]] and the forces of the Coalition land the [[Fourth Bridge]] there in an effort to evacuate the village.{{book ref|sa4|1}} Lezian is leading a small squad of [[warforms|Singer#Warform|warforms]], and appears to be looking for a radiant spy, which turns out to be [[Kaladin]], who had been spotted while he flew ahead.{{book ref|sa4|1}}
Lezian engages Kaladin immediately, and his novel powerset and his brutal and expert fighting style give Kaladin a hard time. When Kaladin eventually starts predicting and reacting to Lezian's jumps, Lezian leaves him, warning Kaladin to watch for him from the corner of his eye.{{book ref|sa4|2}} He shows up again later, when Kaladin and his windrunners are engaged with Leshwi and the rest of the Shanay-im, but Kaladin sees him coming, and Lezian retreats without engaging.{{book ref|sa4|5}} He then gathers a squad of [[warform|Singer#Warform|warform]] [[singers]], and starts accosting a group of civilians, as well as [[Godeke|Godeke the Edgedancer]], to lure Kaladin to him.{{book ref|sa4|6}}{{book ref|sa4|7}} When Kaladin lands and challenges him, Lezian takes Godeke, and retreats into the manor with the remaining squad of parshmen, saying he will fight him inside. Once Kaladin follows, they trigger a suppressor [[fabrial]] powered by [[voidlight]] to stop Kaladin from using summoning Syl or using his powers. Lezian assumes that Kaladin would not be used to fighting without his powers and mocks him, but Kaladin quickly overpowers four of the warform Singers, and then proceeds to kill Lezian by successfully predicting where he would teleport to.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
====Occupation of the Tower====
