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(→‎Dalinar's Army (1173—): Extra detail for RoW)
Following Kaladin's retirement, Leyten gathers around fifty Windrunners to show respect to their former highmarshal. He and a majority of the Bridge Four Windrunners join [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin's]] forces on the battlefield in [[Emul]].{{book ref|sa4|23}}
Later, he goes with Dalinar on his trip to find [[Ishar]], and finds that he and the other four Windrunners are no match for Ishar's power as Ishar tethers all five to the stone with a "glowing rope that drained the Stormlight out." After Ishar flees, Dalinar has Leyten and the other Windrunners search the Herald's camp, finding unnatural corpses of spren within the [[Physical Realm]]. The group then returns to Emul, unnerved by their experience.{{book ref|sa4|111}} Leyten later reunited with Bridge Four to participate in Teft's funeral.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
== Trivia ==