Difference between revisions of "Letters"

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(Removed speculation and added descriptions of letter authors)
==The Second Letter==
The epigraphs to Part 4 of ''[[Words of Radiance]]'' form a reply to thisthe first letter, being send by [[frostFrost]] back to [[Hoid]].{{wob ref|5301}}
==Oathbringer Letters==
The epigraphs to Part 2 of ''[[Oathbringer]]'' comprise three separate letters. The first two are addressed to [[Hoid|Cephandrius]] and the third is addressed to "Friend," likely the same person. All of the letter authors were known to us at the time of Oathbringer's release. {{wob ref|8401}} The first is thought to be Endowment, due to the author's distain for multiple shards sharing a planet. The second letter is written by Autonomy{{wob ref|date=2017-12-16|9081|Salt Lake City signing}} and mentions [[First of the Sun]].{{wob ref|date=2017-11-28|8606|Oathbringer London signing}} The third is thought to be written by [[Sazed]] due to the writing pattern, reference to possessing two diametrically opposing shards, as well as relative ignorance regarding Adonalsium.
