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m (no need for Sovereign link as it goes back to this article)
During his journey to find the Ire, he runs into Ruin and has a discussion about Ruin's intent.{{msh ref|4|4}} After that, he left the area of the Cognitive Realm surrounding Scadrial and moved closer to finding the Ire. When he reaches their base, he moved past their guards and passed the wall into their chambers.{{msh ref|5|2}} He ultimately only took a glass orb from them after thwarting their plan to take over being the vessel of Preservation.{{msh ref|5|3}}
When he returns to Scadrial he finds that Preservation's power is significantly weakened. He also runs into Vin and is shocked to see how far she has come in the time he was away.{{msh ref|6|1}} He stays with her for a while after that, but ultimately has to leave. {{msh ref|6|3}}
When Leras died and lost power over the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier took the power and held it for Vin on behalf of Leras.{{msh ref|6|4}} While he held the power, he found Spook and told him to send a message to Vin that any spiked person could potentially be under Ruin's control.{{msh ref|6|6}} He also continually clashed with Ruin during his time holding the Shard Preservation.{{msh ref|6|5}}{{msh ref|6|7}} When Vin's spike is removed, Kelsier relinquished Preservation's power to her.{{msh ref|6|7}} After she and Elend are killed, Kelsier speaks with them before they pass on into a different realm.{{msh ref|6|8}}