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== History ==
{{image|Kelsier by Caio Santos.jpg|side=left|width=250|Scarred from his time in the [[Pits of Hathsin|Pits]]}}
=== Early Life ===
{{image|Kelsier's Meeting by Rafael Sousa.jpg|side=right|height=120px|Kelsier meeting the skaa}}
Born to a [[noble]] father and skaa mother,{{book ref|mb1|8}} his mother kept both Kelsier and Marsh alive by pretending that she was noble to their father so that their children would be considered merely illegitimate noblemen instead of half-breeds; however, their father eventually found out. Thus Kelsier's mother was killed, and because of this, the brothers have a deep hatred of noblemen. Kelsier then made his living as a thief, becoming famous throughout [[Luthadel]].
=== Recruiting his Crew ===
{{image|Final Empire Opening Scene.jpg|side=right|height=250px|At [[Tresting plantation]]}}
The plan was to secretly build up an army of twenty thousand trained skaa soldiers in the [[Arguois caverns]] while at the same time causing confusion and distrust in the nobility to cause a house war. Once their army was trained and the houses grew unstable enough, they would send a part of their army to attack the Pits of Hathsin, forcing the garrison of Luthadel to go and defend the Pits. With the garrison gone and the nobility weakened by the war, the rest of the army then could take over Luthadel. Then Yeden would gain control of the city and the crew would receive the Lord Ruler's [[atium]] stash as payment. Breeze would recruit men for the rebellion, Ham would train them in the Arguois caverns, Dockson would direct the operation's finances, Clubs would hide the group's Allomancy with copperclouds, OreSeur in the role of Lord Renoux would buy the necessary equipment, Marsh would infiltrate the Steel Ministry posing as an obligator, Kelsier would use his Mistborn power to make attacks on the nobility to create tension between the houses, and Vin would gather information in the noble court posing as Renoux's niece Valette. Kelsier also wanted to try kill the Lord Ruler with the Eleventh Metal as a "voluntary bonus".{{cite}}
{{image|Yeden's Army by Kelly Mai.jpg|side=left|height=150px250px|Kelsier overlooking [[Yeden]]'s rebel army}}
=== The Skaa Rebellion ===
In the following months, Kelsier himself took on many roles to further the plan, acting as a beacon to the repressed skaa, assisting in recruitment,{{book ref|mb1|10}} attacking many noblemen to increase the tensions between the Great Houses,{{book ref|mb1|5}}, collecting information by purchasing it from informants, and even posing as an informant in order to provide misinformation to noblemen.{{book ref|mb1|19}} He continued training Vin and was surprised by her quick progress. Though they suffered many setbacks, Kelsier's leadership allowed the rebellion to attain an army of sufficient size to hold Luthadel.
=== Death ===
|But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.
|Kelsier to the Lord Ruler, last words before death{{book ref|mb1|34}}
=== Death ===
{{image|To Kill an Inquisitor by Rafael Sousa.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Fighting Inquisitors}}
When several skaa from the rebellion were about to be executed, Kelsier attempts to save them. He is confronted by a Steel Inquisitor, which he eventually manages to defeat by beheading him with the Inquisitor's own obsidian axe. However, Kelsier is then confronted by the Lord Ruler, who backhands him across the face and then stabs him in the chest with a spear, killing him.{{book ref|mb1|34}} Kelsier later reveals in his letter to Vin that he had intended to use the Eleventh Metal to destroy the Lord Ruler but could not discover how to use it in his fight.{{book ref|mb1|35}} After his death, [[OreSeur]] takes his bones and appears before several groups of skaa, making them believe that Kelsier survived somehow.{{book ref|mb1|35}} This results in the skaa considering him a god, leading to the founding of the Church of the Survivor, which refers to Kelsier as "Lord of the Mists". Vin also became a major religious figure in the wake of his death, as the Survivorists consider her Kelsier's heir. [[TenSoon]] learned the location of his bones from OreSeur, and used them to convince the people of Luthadel to hide in the caverns after King [[Ferson Penrod|Penrod]] was corrupted by Ruin.{{book ref|mb3|52}}
=== Time in the Cognitive Realm ===
{{image|Drifter.png|side=left|width=400px|Kelsier meeting [[Hoid]]}}
Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the [[Cognitive Realm]] and met [[Preservation]]. He then asked Preservation if they are God, and after being told yes he promptly punched Preservation in the face.{{msh ref|1|1}} Then he found the power at the [[Well of Ascension]] and became trapped there with [[Ruin]], though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a [[Cognitive Shadow]] and resist the pull of the [[Beyond]].{{msh ref|1|1}} While he was in the Well, Hoid passed by and Kelsier essentially challenges him to a fight that Kelsier ultimately loses.{{msh ref|2|1}} He feels Ruin's presence during his time in the Well.
{{image|Kelsier's Meeting by Rafael SousaDrifter.jpgpng|side=right|heightwidth=120px400px|Kelsier meeting the skaa[[Hoid]]}}
Once he is freed from the Well along with Ruin, he initially travels around through the Cognitive version of Luthadel, seeking out his friends. He finds Vin and Ham near the steps of Keep Venture and also learned that Dockson had died in the Battle of Luthadel.{{msh ref|3|1}} He walks past Luthadel towards the lake of the same name, near which he finds [[Khrissalla|Khriss]] and [[Nazrilof|Nazh]].{{msh ref|3|2}} They question him on Preservation's appearance after learning he has spoken directly with the Shard, and then continue their discussion onto other topics. Khriss mentions the [[Ire]] which sets Kelsier onto his next quest of finding their base of operation.{{msh ref|3|3}}
|From the Well of Ascension, of course. It's the same power, after all. Solid in the metal you fed to Elend. The liquid in the pool you burned. And vapor in the air, confined to night. Hiding you. Protecting you.<br />Giving you power!
|Kelsier speaks to [[Vin]] before she Ascends.{{book ref|mb3|72}}{{msh ref|6|7}}
When Leras died and Ruin began to [[Splinter]] the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier used the [[Ire's orb]] to Connect with Preservation and Ascend, allowing him to protect the power and hold it until Vin could take it.{{msh ref|6|4}} Despite Preservation not usually being able to speak into the minds of other, due to some combination of [[Spook]] being near death, having a broken soul, and believing Kelsier was a god, he was able to talk to Spook.{{wob ref|8010}}{{msh ref|6|6}} He used this opportunity to tell Spook to send a message to Vin, warning her that any spiked person could potentially be under Ruin's control.{{msh ref|6|6}} Secretly, however, he knew that Ruin would send Marsh to intercept the message, and was hoping that reading the message would give Marsh the information he needed to remove [[Vin's earring]], which was also a Hemalurgic spike that was keeping her from taking up Preservation's power. When Marsh caught Vin in [[Luthadel]], he attacked Ruin with Preservation's power, weakening Ruin's control over Marsh just enough for Marsh to rip out Vin's earring. With the spike removed, Kelsier encouraged her to take up the power, relinquishing it so that she can do so.{{msh ref|6|7}} After she and Elend are killed, Kelsier spoke with them before they moved on to the Beyond.{{msh ref|6|8}}
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