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During the Highstorms Kaladin gathers all those who he is supposed to protect in one location to make it easier and blames himself for not stopping the numbers. After a highstorm the king is nearly killed after the balcony he was standing on broke free, Kaladin concludes with Dalinar that the support was cut with a Shardblade and this was an assassination attempt. Kaladin later confronts Moash as he was the only one on the balcony after the storm and Moash admits to have been an accomplice, Kaladin forbids Moash from meeting with the Assassins again.
[[Zahel]], a swordmaster who teaches Adolin and other lighteyes, wants to prove to Kaladin that he needs to train from him, and learn how to fight Shardbearers. Kaladin does not want to, as he still associates Shardblades with the [[Helarian|shardbearer]] who killed his men while he was under Amaram. Zahel then goes after Adolin, pretending to be an enemy. Kaladin fights him, but is beaten, because he was not protecting anybody and his Radiant abilities did not help him.
Kaladin discusses [[Amaram's]] with Dalinar, but Dalinar does nothing. He does not fully believe Kaladin, but says that he will look into it. Kaladin is unsatisfied and angry.
Dalinar wants Kaladin and his men to learn how to ride horses, as they might be useful in the future. The groom thinks that it is absurd for darkeyes to learn horseback riding, but she teaches them anyways. Kaladin does not want to ride horses, but does as he is told. He at first rides an old, mellow horse, but [[Adolin]] comes by, and taunts him for not riding a fast horse. He then finds Dreamstorm, the most wild, violent horse in the stables, and attempts to ride it. At it bucks him wildly, and he is forced to stick himself on with stormlight. He is whipped around, until finally he runs out and flies several feet in the air, and lands across the stable. It hurts badly, because he is out of Stormlight. Adolin is very impressed, and apologizes for taunting him.
Kaladin then has a dream where he speaks to the [[Stormfather]]. The stormfather says that he will soon betray and kill Syl. When he wakes up, Syl tells Kaladin that [[Odium|The One Who Hates]] is coming, and Kaladin goes to Elhokar's room. Dalinar and Adolin are there, and so is [[Szeth]]. Kaladin defends them successfully, but has an arm wounded by Szeth's shardblade. He grows it back with stormlight. Szeth is shocked and angry that the radiants are returning when he sees Kaladin's surgebinding. He then leaves Kaladin alone. Kaladin sees that he is barely able to fight a shardbearer, and takes Zahel up on his offer to train him.
Moash continues to be involved in the plot to kill Elhokar. Kaladin tells him to stop being involved in these people, but wishes that their arguments were less persuasive. Moash agrees to stop meeting with them.
== Attributes and Abilities ==