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(Error saying that his eye’s turn blue whenever he holds stormlight. Fixed it to say whenever he summons Syl as a shardblade.)
=== Appearance ===
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Kaladin is a fairly tall man. He is muscular and has multiple scars on his body.{{book ref|sa1|6}} He has tan skin{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} and shoulder-length wavy black hair typical of an Alethi. He was born with dark brown eyes,{{book ref|sa1|1}} though after swearing the [[Immortal Words|Third Ideal]] of the [[Windrunner]]s, his eyes turn a pale, glowing blue whilewhenever he issummons holdingSyl Stormlightas a shardblade, and for a few hours after his Stormlight hadhe beendismisses depletedher.{{book ref|sa2sa3|877}} Like most Rosharans, Kaladin's eyes have an [[Wikipedia:Epicanthic fold|epicanthic fold]]{{wob ref|4079}} that appear faintly colored amber when he is holding [[Stormlight]].{{book ref|sa1|38}} His face is square and firm with strong lines and a proud chin. He prefers to be clean-shaven but during his time as a slave, he grows a long, scraggly beard.{{book ref|sa1|46}} He is branded on his forehead with a ''[[Glyphs/Index#Sas|sas]] [[Glyphs/Index#Nahn|nahn]]'' [[glyphpair]] indicating his slavery and a ''shash'' [[glyph]] meaning "dangerous".{{book ref|sa1|2}} These brands disappear after Kaladin swears the Fourth Ideal.{{book ref|sa4|110}}
=== Personality ===