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Near the end of 1166, Kaladin overheard two townswomen's disparaging remarks about Lirin. Angry at the women, he met his mother and asked her why people hated Lirin. She answered they did not hate him, but they were afraid of knowledge itself. The conversation turned into Kaladin's own future, and he realized his parents had encouraged him to spend time with Laral in hopes the two would marry. As Kaladin mulled over the conversation, Lirin arrived with the news that the new citylord had arrived. The family made their way to the town square and met up with Tien there. Brightlord [[Roshone]] arrived in his carriage and barely acknowledged the crowd waiting in the town square. When Lirin tried to welcome him to town, he responded by saying harshly it was Lirin's fault he ended up in that town. Worried, they returned home.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
Citylord Roshone's arrival bringsbrought misfortune to Kaladin's family. Believing that Lirin stolehad stolen the spheres thatfrom Wistiow bequeathed to Kaladin, he influencesinfluenced the townspeople to stop making donations for Lirin's work., Sincewhich Lirinwas onlythe acceptsprimary donationssource asof paymentthe forfamily's hisincome. services—refusingTien towas chargeapprenticed money—histo familya losescarpenter itsbecause primaryhe sourcewas ofunsuitable income.to Tienhis starts working as a carpenterfather's apprenticeprofession while Kaladin iswas still debatingindetermined whether he wantswanted to join the army or become a surgeon. About a year after Roshone's arrival, a group of men tried to break into Lirin's surgery room, while, inside, he and Kaladin were lamenting about Roshone. Lirin confronted the men, who demanded that Lirin hand over Wistiow's spheres. Lirin, unfazed, uncovered the [[Stormlight|light]] of the spheres, exposing the intruders to be not highwaymen like Kaladin had thought, but members of the town; [[Luten]], [[Horl]], and [[Balsas]], and dared them to take the spheres. Not expecting to find anyone inside, the men left without taking the spheres when confronted.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
One night, when Kaladin is fourteen and a half, a group of men break into Kaladin's house while he and his father are inside. Lirin confronts the men, who were not expecting anyone to be home. The men demand that Lirin hand over Wistiow's spheres; instead, Lirin uncovers the [[Stormlight|light]] of the [[spheres]], exposing the intruders not as highwaymen but members of the town: [[Luten]], [[Horl]] and [[Balsas]]. Upon being confronted, the men leave without taking the spheres or harming Kaladin's family.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
Four months after the townspeople stop their donations, Roshone invites Lirin to the mansion for dinner. Although Lirin and Hesina try to hide the meeting from Kaladin, he finds out anyway and attends the meeting with Lirin. When they arrive, Roshone treats the two with contempt and insults not only Lirin and Kaladin, but the town itself. As the conversation progresses, Kaladin is sent out of the room to the kitchens by Lirin, under the pretense of finding a more appropriate child's meal. While in the kitchens, Roshone's son [[Rillir]] and Laral walk in together. Treating Kaladin as a servant, Rillir orders Kaladin to fetch supper for him. Kaladin refuses and argues with Rillir, but ends up humiliated while Laral does nothing to help Kaladin.{{book ref|sa1|37}}
