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| I don't know what I am either. A bridgeman? A surgeon? A soldier? A slave? Those are all just labels. Inside, I'm me. A very different me than I was a year ago, but I can't worry about that, so I just keep moving and hope my feet take me where I need to go.
| Kaladin to [[Sylphrena]]{{book ref|sa1|14}}
'''Kaladin''', nicknamed '''Kal''', renowned as '''Kaladin Stormblessed''', is a [[darkeyes|darkeyed]] [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunner]] of the [[Knights Radiant]] from [[Alethkar]]. Despite being trained as a surgeon from an early age by [[Lirin|his father]], his chosen profession is that of a soldier. He is famed as the captain of [[Highprince]] [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s personal guard, a unit known as [[Bridge Four]], and commander of the [[bridge crew|bridgemen]] battalion.
== Appearance and Personality ==
[[File:Kaladin - XI Justice .jpg|thumb|right|300px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/taratjah|taratjah]]</small></center> Kaladin the [[Windrunner]] ]]
=== Appearance ===
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Kaladin is a fairly tall man. He is muscular and has multiple scars on his body.{{book ref|sa1|6}} He has tan skin{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} and shoulder-length wavy black hair typical of an Alethi. He was born with dark brown eyes,{{book ref|sa1|1}} though after swearing the [[Immortal Words|Third Ideal]] of the [[Windrunner]]s, his eyes turn a pale, glowing blue while he is holding Stormlight, and for a few hours after his Stormlight had been depleted.{{book ref|sa2|87}} Like most Rosharans, Kaladin's eyes have an [[Wikipedia:Epicanthic fold|epicanthic fold]]{{wob ref|4079}} that appear faintly colored amber when he is holding [[Stormlight]].{{book ref|sa1|38}} His face is square and firm with strong lines and a proud chin. He prefers to be clean-shaven but during his time as a slave, he grows a long, scraggly beard.{{book ref|sa1|46}} He is branded on his forehead with a ''sas nahn'' [[glyphpair]] indicating his slavery and a ''shash'' [[glyph]] meaning "dangerous".{{book ref|sa1|2}}
=== Personality ===
| Authority doesn't come from a rank. [It comes] from the men who give it to you. That's the only way to get it.
| Kaladin{{book ref|sa1|14}}
Kaladin is a natural leader who inspires belief and confidence in his men. His squad members in [[Amaram]]'s army call him lucky and believe that being in his squad grants them supernatural protection.{{book ref|sa1|1}} Kaladin also transforms [[Bridge Four]] from a dejected and despondent group with the worst reputation into a highly-motivated and effective fighting force. [[Dalinar Kholin]] remarks that his men are remarkably loyal and think very highly of him.{{book ref|sa1|73}}{{book ref|sa2|75}}
== History ==
=== Early Life (1153–1168) ===
==== Early Lifechildhood (1153–1168)====
====Early childhood====
[[File: Kaladin young.jpg|200px|thumb|right|<center><small>[[User: Botanicaxu]] </small></center> Young Kal]]
Kaladin was born in late 1153 to [[Lirin]] and [[Hesina]], a family of second [[nahn]], in the town of [[Hearthstone]] in [[Torol Sadeas]]' [[Sadeas princedom|princedom]] in northwestern [[Alethkar]]. His younger brother, [[Tien]] was born two years later. Growing up, Kaladin preferred the shorter name Kal to his full name, which he felt sounded like a lighteyes’s name. At the age of eight, Kal began training with his father in surgery, though he dreamed of becoming a soldier. At first, he became sick at the sight of wounds and injuries. Over the next couple of years, he grew used to the sight and assisted his father during surgeries which he figured would come in handy on the battefield. However, the amount of time Lirin spent with books and sick people, coupled with their class disparity, made people uncomfortable to be around Lirin and Kal, by association. As a result of his isolated upbringing, Kal became very close with his brother and, at the encouragement of his parents, [[Laral Wistiow]], the daughter of the citylord.{{book ref|sa1|10}} {{book ref|sa1|16}}
==== Surgeon or soldierSoldier ====
In {{Rosharan date|1164}}, Kal assisted his father in amputating one of the fingers of a fifteen-year old girl named [[Sani]]. Once finished, [[Lirin]] asked Kal why he was late. Kal admitted it was because he went with [[Tien]] to see what [[Jam (Hearthstone)|Jam]], a boy two years older, had learned from his quarterstaff training. Kal was excited because Jam’s father was a soldier in Brightlord [[Amaram]]’s army. Lirin replied that he knew Jam’s father, having operated on his leg three times, a “gift” from his time as a soldier. Kal argued they needed soldiers, but Lirin claimed they needed surgeons more. Lirin doubted that his son could actually hurt someone as he cried nearly every time someone was brought to them. Kal promised he would get stronger causing Lirin to ask who put these ideas in his head. Kal countered that it was about honor and that no one told stories about surgeons. Lirin told him there were two kinds of people in the world, those who save lives and those who take lives, that one couldn’t protect by killing. Lirin then informed Kal that once he turned sixteen, he wanted to send Kaladin to train with real surgeons in [[Kharbranth]]. Lirin told Kal he had a gift from the [[Herald]]s and he didn’t need to waste it on the small dreams of other men.{{book ref|sa1|10}}
[[File: Kaladin and Tien by Lizarazo.jpg|200px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Lizarazo|Lizarazo]]</small></center> Young Kal and Tien]]
| You have to learn when to care, son. And when to let go.
| Lirin to Kal after Miasal's death {{book ref|sa1|20}}
Near the end of {{Rosharan date|1166}}, Kal was walking through the city of [[Hearthstone]] when he overheard two women claiming that his father stole the spheres from Citylord [[Wistiow]] upon his death. Gritting his teeth and knowing that was his father, Kal stepped out of the alleyway and gave one of the women a sharp look, causing both to flee inside the bakery. His satisfaction was short-lived as he didn’t understand why people said such things about his father. He was still stewing when he turned a few corners, walking to where his mother stood on a stepladder. When [[Hesina]] asked about his lessons, he blurted out that everyone hated his father and that they believed he stole the spheres from Wistiow. He also lamented that he didn’t have friends and asked what would happen if he wanted to become something other than a surgeon. Hesina reminded him that he had [[Tien]] and that he shouldn’t be so quick to discard his studies because he wanted to be like the others. She also told him not to hate the townspeople as they were just repeating what they had heard. Seeing her glance to the citylord’s manor, Kal debated whether or not he should try to see [[Laral]] again. Each time he had tried, he’d been turned away by her nurse. He wondered what it would be like marrying Laral and if he did, would he always feel inferior to her. He was still considering this fact and debating whether or not to be a surgeon or a soldier when [[Lirin]] ran in declaring the new citylord had arrived.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
==== Desperate times ====
Kal went with his parents to the town square to await the arrival of Citylord [[Roshone]]. [[Tien]] was already there waiting for them, having already picked out a spot near the rain barrels. As Tien ran by, some older boys made an unintelligible remark about him which made Kal furious, wanting to confront them, but knowing it wasn’t a good time. Kal joined Tien on the rain barrels so he could get a better view of the procession. A dozen wagons followed a fine black carriage that was pulled by four sleek black horses. The carriage stopped and a middle-aged man stepped out wearing a violet coat. The lighteyed man scanned the crowd with a distasteful look on his face before turning to climb back into his carriage without addressing the crowd. Before he could, [[Lirin]] called out, trying to welcome him to [[Hearthstone]], introducing himself as the town’s surgeon. Roshone responded by blaming Lirin as the reason he ended up in “this pitiful miserable quarter of the kingdom.”{{book ref|sa1|25}}
Citylord [[Roshone]]’s arrival brought great misfortune to Kal’s family. Believing that [[Lirin]] had stolen the spheres from [[Wistiow]], he coerced the townspeople to stop making donations for Lirin’s work, which was the primary source of the family’s income. While the townsfolk acquiesced, they still secretly provided provisions to Lirin and [[Hesina]]. One night while drunk, Lirin told his son not to make the same mistakes he did and get sucked back into this tiny, foolish town. Kal argued that Lirin had always told him to come back, but Lirin admitted he’d been an idiot when he said that, adding that the townspeople didn’t want him there. Kal asked him why they couldn’t just spend the spheres, but his father said the spheres were for his education. Besides, if they did spend them, they would be doing exactly what Roshone wanted them to do. Instead, they did the best with what they had with Kal continuing his studies, [[Hesina]] taking on random jobs, and [[Tien]] apprenticing with [[Ral]], a carpenter in town. At the same time, Kal was secretly still trying to decide what path he would take in the next several months, that of a surgeon or a spearman. A series of thumps interrupted Kal’s thoughts, sending him scrambling out of his chair. His father pulled open the door revealing not a monster, but three masked men demanding the spheres. However, they weren’t the highwaymen as Kaladin initially thought, but rather [[Luten]], [[Horl]], and [[Balsas]], normal townsmen presumably hired by Roshone. Ashamed and caught off guard, the men left without taking anything.{{book ref|sa1|31}}{{book ref|sa1|37}}
| If you’re going to confront him, then you should have someone to support you.
| Kal to his father before dinner with Roshone{{book ref|sa1|37}}
Half a year later, [[Roshone]] invited [[Lirin]] to the mansion for dinner. Although Lirin and [[Hesina]] tried to hide the meeting from him, Kal found out and attended, wanting to support his father if he confronted the citylord. As they rode through the city, Kal asked his father why they tried to hide the meeting. Lirin admitted that he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to attend as a part of him just wanted to take the family and flee to [[Kharbranth]] or another [[Alethi]] town. Lirin confessed that he had tried to leave once, but there was a tie between a man’s heart and his home and he couldn’t bring himself to leave. Having cared for the townspeople for so long, he couldn’t leave them in the hands of Roshone. Once they arrived, the pair were led to a dining room where Roshone was already eating. A servant gestured to a side table set up in a room off the main dining hall, but Lirin sat down at Roshone’s table insisting that he was of second nahn and surely he could have a place at his table. Not wasting any time, Roshone discussed their present situation and asked them to return the spheres, ending their defiance. When Kal responded with an outburst, Lirin sent him away to the kitchens. There, Roshone’s son, [[Rillir Roshone|Rillir]] walked in with [[Laral]], and confusing Kaladin for a servant, ordered him to fetch their supper. Kal, protesting that he wasn’t a servant, lost an argument over his calling with Rillir, leaving him humiliated. As Lirin and Kal left the mansion, the latter admitted to his father that he had been considering joining the army. However, he had resolved to becoming a surgeon so that he would have the education to stand up to the lighteyes. During their conversation, Kal saw something unfamiliar in his father’s eyes, guilt. He then realized that Lirin had indeed stolen the spheres from [[Wistiow]], changing everything, but also changing nothing. He resolved to use the spheres for his training, but would eventually pay them back to Laral.{{book ref|sa1|37}}
==== Somebody has to start ====
| Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right. If nobody starts, then others cannot follow...Because, son. We have to be better than they are.
| Lirin to Kaladin {{book ref|sa1|41}}
While on a hunting trip, [[Roshone]] and [[Rillir]] were seriously injured by a [[whitespine]] and brought to [[Lirin]]’s surgery room. Kaladin and Lirin determined that Rillir’s injuries were already fatal and tended to Roshone despite his protests. They anesthetized both patients, Roshone for surgery and Rillir for mercy. During the procedure, Lirin hesitated when he discovered a piece of the whitespine’s tusk near Roshone’s femoral artery. Kaladin considered how easy it would be to fake an accident, but they continued on to save Roshone’s life as Rillir died. When Kaladin asked his father why he did not let Roshone die, Lirin answered that they have to be better men than the lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|41}}
==== A decision made ====
In the [[Weeping]] of {{Rosharan date|1168}}, Kaladin found himself increasingly hoping for the sun and the wind again, the weather making it difficult for him to get things done. One day, when Kaladin was lying on the roof during the rain after repairing a leak, [[Tien]] called up to him, wanting to join him. While Kaladin didn’t think anyone else could cheer him up, he knew Tien could because somehow he just always knew the right thing to do. At first, it was just the two of them sitting in silence. Then, Tien presented Kaladin with a gift, an intricately carved horse that he made at [[Ral]]’s shop. Kaladin asked if he showed the beautiful horse to Ral, but Tien confessed that it got him into trouble because it wasn’t useful. Not a bit discouraged, Tien said he would make him proud tomorrow by finishing a chair. Kaladin found himself amazed at his brother’s ability to smile even in the darkest of times, swearing things grew brighter around them in that moment.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
However, it was short-lived as Kaladin admitted his concerns about their father having to spend the spheres to not only [[Tien]], but also his mother. [[Hesina]] promised him that there would be enough spheres for him to go to [[Kharbranth]] in two months. Kaladin suggested that perhaps the entire family should come with him, not wanting to leave them behind, especially with Roshone “strangling” them. Hesina informed Kaladin that they only spent the spheres to make [[Roshone]] think he was winning, not because they needed to. Once Kaladin left, the spheres would be safe in the hands of the ardents while he studied to become a surgeon. However, Hesina reminded him that that his life was his own and that he didn’t have to become a surgeon to make them proud. They sat for awhile, Kaladin considering her words and what Tien could possibly like about the rain, when Lirin came with news that there was a gathering in the square.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
| In four years, I will bring him home safely. I promise it by the storms and the Almighty's tenth name itself. I will bring him back.
| Kaladin's promise to his parents{{book ref|sa1|44}}
[[Roshone]] assembled the townsfolk as [[Meridas Amaram]], a general for [[Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], had arrived in [[Hearthstone]] to recruit soldiers for the army. There, Kaladin and his family were shocked to learn that [[Laral]] was now engaged to Roshone himself after [[Rillir]]’s death. Meanwhile, since only six men had volunteered, Amaram asked Roshone to announce the list of conscripts. As citylord, Roshone was barred from from placing [[Lirin]] or Kaladin on the conscription list because they served a vital function to the town. However, Roshone placed [[Tien]]’s name on the list instead. When Kaladin tried to take his brother’s place, he was denied because the law gave the choice to Roshone alone. Left with no other option, Kaladin enlisted in the army in order to protect Tien and promised his devastated parents that he would bring Tien back safely in four years. Amaram also promised Lirin that he would make Tien a messenger boy for a while.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
=== Amaram's Army (1168–1172) ===
==== Natural talent ====
| In four years, I will bring him home safely. I promise it by the storms and the Almighty's tenth name itself. I will bring him back.
| Kaladin's promise to his parents{{book ref|sa1|44}}
===Amaram's Army (1168–1172)===
====Natural talent====
Kaladin received his initial training under [[Tukks]], who taught him learned the importance of controlled passion—to be passionate and to care without losing control of his emotions—a lesson that he did not initially understand. During his training, Kaladin demonstrated a natural aptitude for being a soldier, learning the spear faster than anyone else in his cohort, barely even needing instruction, much to Tukks’ surprise.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa1|49}}
| It’s good to care when you fight, so long as you don’t let it consume you. Don’t try to stop yourself from feeling. You’ll hate who you become.
| Tukks to Kaladin on his first day of training{{book ref|sa1|27}}
[[File:Dead Tien.png|200px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Silver Stars|Silver Stars]]</small></center> Kaladin holding Tien's dead body]]
==== Tien's Death ====
| Don't worry. I'll bring you home. I'll protect you, Tien. I'll bring you back...
| Kaladin weeping over Tien's body {{book ref|sa1|67}}
Despite [[Amaram]]’s promise to [[Lirin]], the older messenger boys, including [[Tien]], were soon organized into several squads of reserve units to make up for a shortfall in recruitment. [[Dalar]] assured Kaladin that these squads would not see combat unless the army is in serious danger. Less than four months after his enlistment, Kaladin took part in his third real battle. Amaram’s army was attempting to hold a hilltop, but as the battle deteriorated, messenger boys were assigned to [[Sheler]]'s company. Hearing that the messenger squad was sent to the front, Kaladin ran recklessly through the battlefield in an attempt to reach his brother. On the southeast side of the hill, Squadleader [[Varth]] placed Tien and two other boys in the front lines, successfully using them as bait. Kaladin, killing a man for the first time during his run, reached Tien only after he had been killed. Weeping and bleeding from wounds taken during his run, he hugged Tien’s dead body until long past the end of the battle.{{book ref|sa1|67}}
| Don't worry. I'll bring you home. I'll protect you, Tien. I'll bring you back...
| Kaladin weeping over Tien's body {{book ref|sa1|67}}
==== Stormblessed ====
Immediately after, an unknown enemy, a full [[Shardbearer]], later revealed to be [[Helaran Davar]],{{book ref|sa2|52}}{{book ref|sa2|73}} appeared and cut through [[Amaram]]’s army, killing [[Cenn]], [[Dallet]], and two more of Kaladin's men. Helaran continued on to attack Amaram, whose honor guard has abandoned him. Enraged, Kaladin and his twenty remaining men chased after Helaran. Helaran killed sixteen of Kaladin’s men before Kaladin finally managed to kill him, saving Amaram’s life. Amaram and [[Coreb]], one of Kaladin's men, urged Kaladin to claim Helaran’s Shards, as it was his right to do so by ancient tradition. However, Kaladin was disgusted by the thought of wielding the same Blade that claimed the lives of so many of his friends. Instead, Kaladin gave the Shards to Coreb and walked away.{{book ref|sa1|47}}
==== Betrayal ====
[[File:Sas Nahn by horizonproblems.jpg|thumb|right|200px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/horizonproblems|horizonproblems]]</small></center> Kaladin's branding]]
| It’s not about Alethkar! It’s about you! Storm it, you’re supposed to be better than the others!
| Kaladin to Amaram.{{book ref|sa1|51}}
A few hours later, Kaladin was called to [[Amaram]]’s warcenter, where he met Amaram and a group of his men along with the four surviving members of his squad. After a short conversation, Amaram and his men ambushed Kaladin, killing the surviving members of Kaladin’s squad while Kaladin himself was restrained. Amaram apologized but said this was the only way to ensure secrecy. He informed Kaladin that he had thought it over for hours before finally being convinced by [[Restares]] that the best interests of Alethkar would served if he wielded the Shards himself. As an act of mercy and gratitude, Amaram spared Kaladin’s life and branded him with the “sas nahn” [[glyphpair]] to mark him as a slave to be sold.{{book ref|sa1|51}}
=== Slavery (1172–1173) ===
==== Defiance ====
Kaladin spent the next eight months under at least six different slavemasters, suffering from constant and squalid conditions. Initially, Kaladin was defiant, making ten escape attempts. Although several of them were successful, he always ended up getting re-captured. In his tenth escape attempt, he led a group of twenty armed slaves, including a man named [[Goshel]]. However, they all died, leaving Kaladin to believe he failed them. By the eighth month, Kaladin fell into despair and stopped making any escape attempts.{{book ref|sa1|2}}{{book ref|sa1|43}}
[[File:Honor is Dead by ThomasW.jpg|300px|thumb|left|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/ThomasW|ThomasW]]</small></center> Sylphrena meeting Kaladin in the slave wagon]]
==== Sylphrena ====
It was during this time that Kaladin first noticed [[Sylphrena]]. Though she’d been following him for several months, Kaladin believed her to be nothing more than the average, albeit mischievous [[windspren]]. As Kaladin was rubbing the [[blackbane]] leaves between his fingers, Syl asked him what he had. At first, he ignored her, but not without noticing some oddities about her, such as the exceptionally long period of time that she had been following him. When she called him by name, he was shocked as he didn’t believe that [[spren]] could use people’s names. To his knowledge, spren could mimic voices or expressions, but they didn’t have actual intelligence or memory. Kaladin thought he was insane at first, but he eventually started to converse with Syl. During the course of their first conversation, Syl asked Kaladin why he didn’t fight like he used to. Kaladin continued to question how she knew both his name and what he did weeks ago. He finally confessed to her that he had failed, remembering the deaths of [[Tien]], [[Cenn]], [[Dallet]], [[Tukks]], and the [[Takers]]. After the slave took ill and [[Tvlakv]] had him killed, Syl asked Kaladin why he didn’t cry. Kaladin replied that it wouldn’t change anything and maybe she should ask the [[Almighty]] why men cry. During a storm, Syl chased after it, but eventually returned. Kaladin wondered why she didn’t go with the other windspren, but she told him she liked it there with him.{{book ref|sa1|2}}{{book ref|sa1|4}}
==== Finding the way after all ====
Days passed and the wagons continued to roll on until one particular day when they didn’t stop at their usual time, leaving Kaladin to wonder why they hadn’t stopped for their afternoon slop. Well past noon, they finally rolled to a stop and [[Bluth]] and [[Tag]] joined [[Tvlakv]]. The three quickly started arguing as they held up a piece of paper. Kaladin called out, asking Tvlakv if he was lost and offered that perhaps he should seek guidance from the [[Almighty]] who had a “fondness” for slavers. Tvlakv walked over and asked Kaladin if he knew anything of the area. Kaladin requested the map and without even reading it, he ripped it into pieces, much to Tvlakv’s horror. Tvlakv called for the mercenaries, but both Bluth and Tag declined to intevene. Realizing that Kaladin was probably invaluable at that point, Tvlakv asked what the former wanted in exchange for guiding the caravan. Kaladin suggested a cliff, not for a vantage point as Tvlakv assumed, but one to throw the slaver off of.{{book ref|sa1|4}}
The wagons continued to roll on after their exchange, even through [[highstorm]]s. Well before the end of one of them, [[Bluth]] lowered the sides of the wagon, allowing the rain to soak the slaves. Kaladin argued that it was too early to be taking down the sides, but Bluth stated that [[Tvlakv]] wanted them clean today. Realizing they were probably nearing their destination, Kaladin scanned the landscape wondering where they were going. [[Syl]] returned to tell Kaladin there were many others like him nearby. As she pointed eastward, Kaladin was shocked to see the enormous army encampment he’d heard stories about, the place [[Tien]] wanted to go in the end, the army he spent years trying to get into - The [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa1|4}}
=== Bridgeman (1173) ===
==== Bridge Four ====
====Bridge Four====
In {{Rosharan date|1173}}, [[Tvlakv]] released Kaladin and the other slaves from the wagon and brought them to be inspected by [[Hashal]], the wife of the [[Matal|lighteyed officer]] who was in charge of the slaves in [[Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]'s army. Hashal was not particularly impressed with the men Tvlakv presented until her eyes found Kaladin. Despite eight months as a slave, he was still far more muscled than the others. Hashal inquired if he was a military man and Kaladin stated that he was in [[Amaram]]’s army and a citizen of second nahn. She inspected his brands, clicking her tongue at the "shash" glyph, telling him such a mark meant death. Asking how he ended up here, Kaladin told Hashal that he killed someone while drunk. Despite his mistake, Kaladin spoke of his talents with a spear and asked her give him a chance to fight again in her brightlord’s army. However, Tvlakv told Hashal not to listen to him as he was a deserter. Enraged, Kaladin reached for Tvlakv but he was knocked to the ground and then pulled back in line. Tvlakv continued by saying that Kaladin could not be trusted as he had led rebellions against his prior masters and who knows how many of the slaves he had corrupted. Hashal asked which ones and assigned those, along with Kaladin, to be bridgemen. Due to his “shash” glyph, his reputation as a deserter, and his attitude during the exchange, Kaladin was specifically sent to [[Bridge Four]], the bridge crew with the worst reputation and casualty rate.{{book ref|sa1|6}}
Kaladin was placed under the command of the bridge sergeant [[Gaz]] and was immediately forced to go on a bridge run completely unprepared and unequipped. [[Bridge Four]] was sent to carry a large bridge, allowing Sadeas' soldiers to cross the plateaus of the [[Shattered Plains]] and assault the [[Parshendi]]. Gaz ran beside Bridge Four, calling out commands during the run due to the their most recent bridgeleader tossing himself down the [[Honor Chasm]]. He sent Kaladin to the open slot at the tail of the bridge. Without a vest, the wooden supports dug into Kaladin’s skin causing his shoulders to bleed. As they ran, a nearby bridgeman offered Kaladin advice. Eventually, Gaz called them to a stop and they lifted the bridge into place, allowing the army to pass. They repeated this process, with Kaladin eventually asking why they weren’t turning around. One of the other bridgemen just chuckled and told him they weren’t there yet and to be glad they weren’t. After more than a dozen times, Gaz ordered Kaladin to the front for the final push, declaring that newcomers get to go first. Kaladin quickly realized why arriving was the worst part. The Parshendi volleys launched, killing the men around Kaladin. They eventually got the bridge dropped, but at the expense of the bridgemen, resulting in many casualties. Kaladin just collapsed, knowing he should move or at least bind his wounds, but he just couldn’t, falling unconscious instead. Kaladin was about to be left for dead by the retreating bridge crews, until [[Syl]] called out his name and urged him to move. He forced himself to his feet and asked the windspren if she had a name. As he limped through the casualties, he found the body of the leathery faced man who had been nice to him. He harvested his vest and shoes, tying them on as the windspren introduced herself as Sylphrena.{{book ref|sa1|6}}
==== Honor Chasm ====
[[File:Kaladin at Honor Chasm.jpg|thumb|right|250px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Madison Coyne|Madison Coyne]]</small></center> Kaladin sitting by the [[Honor Chasm]] ]]
[[File:Gaz sketches.jpg|thumb|left|250px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Sheep|Sheep]]</small></center> Kaladin confronting Gaz]]
==== Reforming Bridge Four ====
The next morning, Kaladin resolved to make some changes in [[Bridge Four]]. The first of these included training early in the mornings, putting an end to the group’s sleeping in. When [[Moash]] protested, Kaladin punched him in the gut and threw him over his shoulder, taking him outside. The others, shocked and not wanting to suffer the same fate, filed out into the sunlight. As Kaladin outlined his plan, he was immediately met with resistance from his fellow bridgemen who felt chores and bridge runs were more than enough to build their endurance. Kaladin argued that his primary duty was to keep them alive and since he couldn’t do anything about [[Parshendi]] arrows, he had to make them stronger. Moash called over to [[Gaz]] and asked if they had to listen to Kaladin to which Gaz replied that the bridgeleader only had authority on the field. Moash looked back to Kaladin and told him to storm off, causing the rest of the men to leave as well. Kaladin, undeterred by the men’s resistance, went off to the lumberyard to train by himself. He eventually attracted a crowd that included [[Teft]], [[Rock]], [[Dunny]], and some of the other members of Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa1|14}}
Kaladin returned to the apothecary and made a deal for his bridge crew to gather [[knobweed]] sap in return for a [[spheres|skymark]] per bottle of sap and some bandages. Upon returning from selling the sap, [[Gaz]] sent [[Bridge Four]] to do chasm duty, recovering valuables from the war dead who had fallen into the chasms. In the chasms, Kaladin continued to build rapport with the men, bringing [[Dunny]] into the fold, who sang for the men while others hovered behind. Through their work, Kaladin came across a spear in the chasms. Picking it up and holding it drew the ire of [[Moash]], [[Sigzil]], and [[Earless Jaks]], who began taunting the bridgeleader. Ignoring their gibes, Kaladin closed his eyes and went into a trance. He performed an advanced practice kata with the spear, revealing his talent as a genius spearman to the men, leaving them speechless. During the display, [[Teft]], along with some of the other men, noticed an unknown spren—actually [[Syl]]—zipping around Kaladin. Through the rest of their chasm duty and on the walk back, more men started to open up. The night culminated in Kaladin using the money he had earned to purchase food and assigning [[Rock]] to cook a stew. Not a single person refused to partake in eating around the fire. The next day, a majority of the men followed his orders to rise out of bed and practice.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
==== Side carryCarry ====
Kaladin managed to get all the men to submit to his authority and participate in training. The training cut down on their losses, but Kaladin was still unsatisfied. Realizing that the bridge itself could act as a shield, Kaladin started training the men to shift the bridge and carry it on its side. The practice was slowing going, which left [[Gaz]] pleased at the prospect of [[Bridge Four]] losing more members. Prior to the next bridge run, Kaladin gained [[Lopen]] as a member from a new batch of recruits. They were immediately sent the next run. Realizing it was going to be a difficult approach, Kaladin ordered Bridge Four to perform the side carry as they engaged the [[Parshendi]]. The side carry was a success as it completely protected Kaladin’s men. However, other bridge crews tried to emulate the side carry. Not having trained in the maneuver, the other bridge crews failed. Lacking a sufficient number of bridges to cross the chasms and with the timing of the assault desynchronized, the battle was thrown into chaos and [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] lost. Understanding that he’d undermined the army’s strategy, Kaladin ordered [[Rock]] and [[Teft]] to stand down and Kaladin stepped up to Gaz and [[Lamaril]] to accept his fate.{{book ref|sa1|32}}
====The Stormfather's judgementJudgement====
| I want you to go back into the barrack and tell the men to come out after the storm. Tell them to look up at me tied here. Tell them I’ll open my eyes and look back at them, and they’ll know that I survived.
| Kaladin to Rock, Teft, and Moash before the highstorm {{book ref|sa1|35}}
As punishment for the failure, [[Torol Sadeas|Highprince Sadeas]] demoted several officers and executed [[Lamaril]], the lighteyed officer directly in charge of the bridgemen. Sadeas declined to execute Kaladin directly, but instead decided to let the [[Stormfather]] judge him. Kaladin would be freed if he could survive being tied to the side of [[Bridge Four]]’s barrack during the highstorm. Prior to the highstorm, [[Rock]], [[Teft]], and [[Moash]] came to see Kaladin and promised they would remember him. Kaladin asked them to tell the men to come out after the storm and they will see that he had survived. Teft gave Kaladin a dun sphere for good luck and the men retreated into the barracks as the storm approached.{{book ref|sa1|34}} As the storm raged and slammed into Kaladin, [[Syl]] told him to grab the roof and then the ring that his rope was attached to. He did as she said knowing that if he let go, he’d be dangling in the air again. However, the rain numbed his fingers and caused him to slip, flapping in the air again. As he hit the roof, everything went black and silent. During the darkness, Kaladin met the Stormfather in the form of a gigantic, inhuman, smile face. Immediately after, Kaladin’s [[Surgebinding]] abilities manifested and he drew upon [[Stormlight]] from the glowing blue sphere before falling unconscious.{{book ref|sa1|35}}
==== Kaladin Stormblessed ====
After the highstorm, the bridgemen followed [[Rock]] and [[Teft]] to go check on Kaladin. The bridgeleader hung by his ankles, his skin sliced in a hundred places. Just as the men gathered around him horrified, Kaladin’s eyes snapped open. His hand dropped the sphere that had been given to him, now dun, shocking Teft who knew the sphere should be infused. Wanting answers, he told Kaladin he better survive and the men rushed to cut him down. They cared for him and posted a constant guard by his bed. His injuries were severe, even attracting [[Deathspren]]. While recovering, Teft brought three infused spheres telling Kaladin he couldn’t leave them. He watched as Kaladin unconsciously consumed the Stormlight, causing Teft to suspect he may be a member of the [[Knights Radiant]]. Ten days later, Kaladin made a miraculous recovery and his men, never having known of his previous army service, revived the name Kaladin Stormblessed.{{book ref|sa1|38}}{{book ref|sa1|40}}
==== Transforming Bridge Four into spearmen ====
After his recovery, Kaladin accompanied [[Bridge Four]] on their next bridge run. Once they dropped the bridge, Kaladin watched the battle raging on the next plateau alongside [[Rock]] and [[Sigzil]]. The latter asked why the bridgemen weren’t allowed to use shields during runs. Rock suggested that shields would slow them down, but Kaladin realized it was because they were bait.{{book ref|sa1|40}} Kaladin slipped into despair as he realized there was no hope for his men. Things were compounded the next day when Kaladin met [[Matal]], their new commander, and was re-acquainted with his wife, [[Hashal]]. She informed Kaladin that her husband would not run the bridge crews with the same laxness as his [[Lamaril|predecessor]]. Hashal then permanently assigned Bridge Four to chasm duty. Given the new orders and knowing their place as bait, Kaladin realized that further training as bridgemen would be a futile endeavor. Instead, he proposed training the men to become spearmen in order to escape, which his men accepted.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
====Discovery of Surgebinding powers====
[[File:Wandersail by Ryland Malcom.jpg|400px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Ryland Malcolm|Ryland Malcolm]]</small></center> Wit telling Kaladin the story of the ''[[Wandersail]]'' ]]
Kaladin spent the next week trying to learn how to use his [[Surgebinding]] powers with [[Teft]]’s help with little to no success while [[Bridge Four]] continued to train under [[Rock]]’s leadership. While trying to learn Surgebinding, Teft told Kaladin what he knew of the [[Knights Radiant]], teaching him the First Ideal of the [[Immortal Words]].{{book ref|sa1|59}}
| Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
| First Ideal of the Knights Radiant
Their training was interrupted when [[Hashal]] came to visit. She informed Kaladin that [[Bridge Four]] would now go on every bridge run, citing they were a “model” for the other crews. They would no longer get the normal break between runs, a further reprisal for the side carry incident, and would now do chasm duty at night. Responding to the increased danger this change brought, Kaladin came up with a plan to use the skins of dead [[Parshendi]] found in the chasms as armor. In order to bring the armor out of the chasms, Kaladin successfully managed to use his powers to run up a wall and attach the armor to the underside of the permanent bridge they originally used to hide the spheres.{{book ref|sa1|59}}
[[File:Kaladin charging the Parshendi.jpg|thumb|left|400px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind: Artists/Pam Hage|Pam Hage]]</small></center> Kaladin charging the [[Parshendi]] ]]
==== Battle of the Tower ====
Ten days later, on {{Rosharan date|1173|9|6|4}}, [[Bridge Four]] participated in the [[Battle of the Tower]], where the combined armies of Highprinces [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] and [[Dalinar]] assaulted the [[Tower (Roshar)|Tower]]. By this time, they had not only perfected using the carapace armor and large wooden shields, but they had made enough sets to outfit the entire unit. Kaladin led the charge, staying in front of the other decoys, trying to distract the [[Parshendi]] forces as best he could. However, his efforts weren’t as successful as the first time he donned the armor. Five bridge crews dropped, slaughtered right where they ran. While Bridge Four fared better, they didn’t arrive unscathed. [[Skar]] and [[Teft]] both suffered injuries, which Kaladin tended to once they reached the Tower. Once Kaladin finished, he surveyed the battlefield and to his surprise, Sadeas was retreating. At first, he thought something must be wrong, but then he quickly realized that Sadeas had set up a trap, abandoning Dalinar and his men on the Tower with no means of escape.{{book ref|sa1|64}}{{book ref|sa1|65}}{{book ref|sa1|66}}
Kaladin led [[Bridge Four]] as they charged the plateau in hopes of giving [[Dalinar]]’s army a chance to escape. He was filled with one purpose only and that was to protect. He ran ahead, dodging arrows, but he quickly realized something was wrong. [[Syl]] drew his attention back to Bridge Four and the many arrows pointed at their unshielded flank. He ordered them into side carry position to deflect the arrows, something they hadn’t done in weeks. Reaching his crew, he turned just in time to see more archers behind them drawing for a large volley. He screamed and threw every bit of [[Stormlight]] he could into his shield, pulling over a hundred arrows into it. Seeing what Kaladin had done, both groups of [[Parshendi]] that had released volleys turned and fled. Knowing that Kaladin was in no condition to run the bridge, [[Moash]] led the rest of the men onwards to help Dalinar. Kaladin crawled to the edge of the chasm and asked Syl if she could help make him stronger, who shook her head. As he listened to the sounds of war and death around him, he was transported back to the most horrible of days, the day [[Tien]] died. When he snapped out of his trance, Syl asked him if he knew the Words. Wanting to save his men, Kaladin took up a spear and spoke the [[Immortal Words|Second Ideal]] of the [[Windrunner]]s, progressing his path to becoming a member of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa1|67}}
| I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.
| Second Ideal of the Windrunners
[[File: The Leap by Grant Hansen.jpg|400px|thumb|right|<center><small> by [[Coppermind:Artists/Grant M. Hansen|Grant M. Hansen]] </small></center>Kaladin jumping over a chasm and onto the Tower to save Dalinar and his army]]
When they arrived back at the warcamps, Kaladin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] accompanied [[Dalinar]] to confront Sadeas. Dalinar offered to pay an exorbitant sum of money, sixty emerald broams each, for the freedom of the bridgemen, but Sadeas refused. Finally, Dalinar offered his Shardblade [[Oathbringer]] in exchange for the men, which proved to be an offer Sadeas couldn’t refuse. With the deal made, Dalinar walked up to a shocked Kaladin and instructed him to gather the men he left behind and return to his warcamp. Later that night, Dalinar offered to make the bridgemen soldiers in his army, with Bridge Four becoming his personal guard. Kaladin accepted an appointment to the rank of captain, agreeing after Dalinar promised him an extraordinary amount of authority and autonomy for a [[darkeyes]].{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa1|73}}
=== Kholin's Bodyguard (1173—1173 — 1174) ===
==== Rebuilding the army ====
After the massive casualties at the [[Battle of the Tower]], Kaladin was tasked with turning the remaining bridgemen into a standing army. He promoted [[Teft]], [[Moash]], [[Skar]], [[Rock]] and [[Sigzil]] to lieutenants, a rank between captain and sergeant, to form a command structure for a thousand men. More specifically, Kaladin named Rock quartermaster, with [[Lopen]] as his second, and appointed Sigzil to be their clerk as he was the only one who could read glyphs. He put Teft in charge of training, suggesting that he combine the remaining bridgemen into twenty crews and train two members in each to go back and train the others. Kaladin promised a few men to assist Teft, but explained that would have to do as most of [[Bridge Four]], including Moash and Skar, would be needed to keep Dalinar alive. Without the highprince, Kaladin feared that the bridgemen would just be sold back to [[Torol Sadeas]] by his successor. With word spreading that the emperor of [[Azir]] was dead at the hands of the [[Assassin in White]], Kaladin reminded Teft that the assassin had already killed [[Gavilar]] and they just had to hope he was done. Regardless, they had to protect Dalinar at all costs.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
==== Freedom, Bridge Four ====
Once in agreement, they rounded up the rest of the men in [[Bridge Four]] and went to get their slave brands covered with tattoos. [[Hobber]] sat down first, with each man following, receiving tattoos that said “Freedom, Bridge Four.” Sitting down last, Kaladin closed his eyes and waited for the tattooist to finish. She cursed, revealing that the tattoo ink wouldn’t take. Kaladin sighed, realizing he was unconsciously holding [[Stormlight]] in his veins. He banished the Stormlight and she tried again, the ink taking this time. He looked in the mirror, seeing his slave brands covered up for a moment. [[Syl]] landed on his shoulder and he unconsciously sucked in Stormlight which melted the tattoo. The tattooist cursed again and picked up her rag, preparing to try again. However, Kaladin insisted that it was fine and tossed a small bag of spheres to the tattooist.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
| The scars haven’t finished with me yet, it appears. I’ll try again another time.
| Kaladin to the rest of Bridge Four when his tattoo melted away{{book ref|sa2|2}}
Upon [[Bridge Four]]’s return to the barracks, [[Rind]] was waiting for them with their new [[Cobalt Guard]] uniforms. While the men eagerly tried on their uniforms, [[Teft]] hesitated, unsure if he deserved to wear something like this again. Kaladin objected, saying the uniform was what he was and not to let the slave rule him. Teft countered, asking Kaladin when he was going to admit he was doing the same thing. Teft tried to convince him that he needed to show [[Dalinar]] that he was a [[Surgebinder]] and a [[lighteyes]]. However, Kaladin confessed that he had everything taken away from him by the lighteyes and for now, he couldn’t let them take this too. Dropping the subject, Teft put on his uniform and joined the others. With the uniforms sorted out, the men cut off the insignia of the Cobalt Guard, declaring themselves Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
[[File:Bridge Four - XIX. The Sun .png|thumb|left|200px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/taratjah|taratjah]]</small></center> Practicing in the chasms]]
==== Becoming whatWhat Dalinar needsNeeds ====
Kaladin set up rotations to protect [[Dalinar]], always assigning himself, [[Moash]], or [[Skar]] for the Blackthorn. After a small council, Dalinar wished for Kaladin and his best men to take on more duties extending to protecting [[Navani]], his sons and eventually King [[Elhokar]] himself. Dalinar confessed that there may have already been an attempt on the king’s life when the gemstones on his [[Shardplate]] seemed to be sabotaged. Unsure of who to trust, Dalinar asked Kaladin to familiarize himself with how the King’s Guard works and to learn from them. Once their training was complete, Kaladin would be in charge of a new group guarding the king consisting of some of the old King’s Guard and Kaladin’s own men. Kaladin worried that his men were stretched thin, but Dalinar said he was not alone in that problem.{{book ref|sa2|4}}{{book ref|sa2|5}}
While in the chasms, [[Sigzil]] conducted some baseline tests of Kaladin’s [[Surgebinding]] abilities with [[Rock]] and [[Lopen]]’s assistance. They had to rely on counting as Sigzil didn’t have a proper clock to time Kaladin, nor did he even know how to measure [[Stormlight]]. Kaladin suggested that they use chips since they were weighed before being encased in glass. However, Sigzil worried that he was wasting Kaladin’s time as there was still so much about [[Stormlight]] that they didn’t know. [[Lopen]] reassured him that it wasn’t a waste and asked if Kaladin could stick him to the wall. Able to do so, [[Rock]] commented that this skill could be very useful in battle. They continued to experiment further with his new abilities, the others taking up spears to test him. Just like with his spear, Kaladin knew these new abilities would take lots of practice. This meant Kaladin would have to find a new person like himself to spar with. Calling it a day, the men returned to the warcamp and to the news that a hero had come to the [[Shattered Plains]]. Kaladin’s heart became ice when he heard the hero was none other than Highlord [[Amaram]], the man who stole Kaladin’s [[Shardblade]] and branded him a slave.{{book ref|sa2|12}}
==== Preparing for the Assassin in White ====
During the Highstorms, Kaladin gathered all those who were under his protection in one location to make it easier to keep them safe. However, he blamed himself when the numbers didn’t stop. After a particular highstorm, King [[Elhokar]] was nearly killed after the balcony he was standing on broke free. Kaladin and [[Dalinar]] concluded that the support was cut with a [[Shardblade]] and that it was an assassination attempt. Kaladin later confronted Moash as he was the only one on the balcony after the storm. Moash then admitted to being an accomplice and Kaladin forbade him from meeting with the assassins again.
====Adolin's duel====
Adolin is having a difficult time getting people to duel him, so he tells [[Relis]] that he is allowed to bring "anyone else he wants', expecting him to bring one other person. However, Relis brings three others. Adolin is a skilled dueler, but not against four opponents, so Renarin goes in after him. Renarin is unskilled at fighting, so Kaladin jumps in after.
| Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do. If this goes poorly, take care of my men.
| Kaladin to Dalinar before jumping into the arena.{{book ref|wor|56}}
Kaladin tells Syl that this better end differently than when he saved Amaram, and Syl promises that it will. Relis ignores Kaladin and pays the price as he gets stabbed in a crack in his armor. Kaladin guards Adolin's back and says that Adolin will need to break their foes' shardplate for him. Adolin says for Kaladin to distract one foe and to watch out for Renarin while he fights the other two and Kaladin agrees. Kaladin draws Relis' attention while Adolin fights Elit and Jakamav. Relis fights Kaladin for a short time but then goes back to fight Adolin who is skillfully dueling his two foes, so Kaladin uses a lashing-enhanced kick to knock Relis down, breaking his own legs in process though he is able to heal them. Kaladin sees that he cracked some of Relis' shards. Adolin's own armor is mostly cracked but he gets a strong blow at Elit and cracks his chestplate, slowing Elit greatly. Kaladin sees Abrobadar waving his blade at the ground and Sylphrena exclaims about something mysterious and flies over toward Renarin. Kaladin uses his broken spear to strike Elit in his exposed armor and forces him to yield. The remaining three opponents gather to battle Adolin, leaving Renarin alone to sit in the sand. Kaladin asks for Elit's helm and is given it and puts it on his hand as an armored glove, and arms himself with a knife to help Adolin. Kaladin tricks Relis into backing away then he goes to help Adolin. Relis and Jakamav both try to attack Kaladin with Sylphrena circling around him, and he dodges their shardblades or blocks them with the helm until he runs out of stormlight, realizing the helm drained it from him. Kaladin is backed against a wall, but Adolin appears and grapples Jakamav to the ground. Kaladin sees that Abrobadar was just defeated. Relis who is the last man standing rushes toward Renarin and Kaladin follows, yelling at Renarin to yield but he only dismisses his blade and does nothing. Relis raises his blade toward Renarin but ends up swinging it at Kaladin, and Kaladin catches it then hears a scream that sounds like Sylphrena. Relis hears the scream and drops the blade and vacates the arena, forfeiting the duel. Jakamav yells at Adolin to fight him as he is held down and Kaladin walks up to him with his knife and places it by a crack in his armor and tells him to yield or else. Jakamav yields and Adolin is declared victor. Adolin laughs joyously at the spoils he won and asks Kaladin to help him remove his drained armor.
Elhokar announces how impressed he is by Adolin and offers him a boon. Kaladin notices Sadeas trying to leave the arena, but before he does, Adolin demands the right to duel Sadeas there and then. Kaladin also demands a boon to challenge Amaram there and then for the crimes of murder and obstruction of justice, causing Amaram to cower, Adolin to groan and the crowd to silence. Elhokar orders Kaladin to be arrested.
==== In prison ====
Kaladin is furious at being put in prison again; for defending a lighteyes. He is treated better in the prison than he was as a slave, but still hates it. He is furious at Dalinar, and compares him to Amaram. Syl forces Kaladin to take it back, and he does. When Dalinar walks in, Kaladin jumps to attention, even though he currently hates him. Dalinar tells Kaladin that he is trying to convince Elhokar to free him, but Elhokar is worried that he will be seen as weak. Dalinar still does not believe that Amaram stole his plate and blade, and says that if Kaladin wants Darkeyes to be respected, he should be a good soldier, not challenge people like Amaram to duels. He thanks Kaladin for saving his sons, and leaves.
Finally, Kaladin is set free. He sees that Adolin had locked himself in prison, to protest Kaladin's imprisonment. He has taken a few baths, shaved, and is wearing perfume, claiming that he didn't have to be completely barbaric, but is very thankful to Kaladin for saving his life. When he leaves the prison area, all of [[Bridge Four]] is there, celebrating his freedom. Adolin offers Kaladin Shardplate and a Shardblade, but he refuses. It reminds him of Amaram, and gives it to Moash. Kaladin can't find Syl, and is unable to use Stormlight. He does not know why.
==== In the Chasm ====
[[File: Kaladin and Shallan in Chasm.png|thumb|right|250px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind: Artists/LittleGreyDragon|LittleGreyDragon]]</small></center>Weathering the highstorm]]
Kaladin goes out on an expedition to the Shattered Plains, so that Shallan can sketch a Chasmfiend pupa. A bridge engineer working undercover for Sadeas falls the bridge while Dalinar is crossing in an attempt to assassinate Dalinar, and Kaladin and Shallan both fall into the chasm. Each one has Radiant powers, but neither knows that the other does. They wander the chasms for a while, and begin to argue. Kaladin explains to Shallan that the world must seem wonderful to her, because she is rich and hasn't seen terrible things. She then explains to Kaladin that her [[Lin Davar|father]] was abusive, and she has experienced things just as terrible as he has. Kaladin asks her how she can be so cheerful, and she said that 'it helps if you are insane'. Then, a chasmfiend finds them. Kaladin fights it off by stabbing the top of his mouth, up into his brain, and Shallan helps by distracting it with large images of people. Neither see that the other is a radiant.
=== Windrunner (1174 -) ===
==== Saving King Elhokar ====
====Saving King Elhokar====
Kaladin sees that all the men guarding King Elhokar are rebels working with Moash, and want to kill the king. He is convinced that everything is okay, and goes back to his barracks. He then gets uneasy, comes back, and finds the king half asleep on his couch. The soldiers were saying terrible things about him to make him drink, and be less alert. Kaladin sees this, and tries to carry the king out. Moash and [[Graves]] are there, and try to kill him. Moash asks Kaladin to leave, and when he refuses, punches him with his plate enhanced strength. It breaks Kaladin's ribs. They stab the king, and Kaladin tries to fight them off. He is badly injured, and thinks that he is going to die, but is content to die while doing something right. He then hears the Stormfather speaking with Syl. Syl wants to go to Kaladin, but the Stormfather argues that Kaladin will kill her again. She tells Kaladin to say the Third Ideal of the Windrunners:
| I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right.
| Third Ideal of the Windrunners.
Syl returns to him in the form of a Shardblade. Kaladin can use surges again, and he heals with Stormlight. He is able to defeat the assassins, and leave the building with Elhokar alive.
==== Fighting Szeth ====
[[File:Kaladin Wind.jpg|thumb|left|200px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Julia Metzger|Julia Metzger]]</small></center> Swooping down to save [[Dalinar]] ]]
| The sky and the winds are mine, I claim them. Just as I now claim your life.
| Kaladin to Szeth
Dalinar allies with several other highprinces to attack on the Parshendi. They summon an [[Everstorm]], and Szeth comes to kill Dalinar. Syl tells Kaladin that something is wrong, and Kaladin uses his lashings to fly/fall towards the shattered plains. He sees Dalinar flying upwards, where Szeth has [[lashing|lashed]] him. He lashes Dalinar slightly more down than up, so that he floats slowly down. Kaladin then plummets down to Earth, leaving a sword shaped glyph in the ground where he lands, and tells Szeth that he claims his life.
Kaladin and Szeth battle in the sky, using lashings to maneuver back and forth as the two storms crash into each other below. Szeth says the Knights can't be back but Kaladin retorts that they are and will kill him. Szeth manages to stab Kaladin but he is able to heal it, though it takes a lot of stormlight. Szeth boasts that he will win due to his experience but Kaladin says that the sky is and was always his. Kaladin starts fighting instinctually and manages to strike Szeth as Syl changes forms while they fight, though Szeth dodges a killing blow. Kaladin sees the top of the plateau crest through the clouds, spinning slowly. The top is [[Urithiru]], and a [[fabrial]], and Shallan has activated it. Szeth lands on the surface, chased by Kaladin. Szeth again yells that the Voidbringers can't be back, and goes back toward Dalinar to try to kill him.
Kaladin, Dalinar, Renarin, and Shallan meet in Urithiru. They are all finally aware that the others are Radiants. Kaladin plans to return to his hometown, and save his family from [[Roshone]].
=== Returning to Hearthstone ===
[[File:Thepathtoheartstone.png|350px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Ashley Coad|Ashley Coad]]</small></center> The Path to Hearthstone ]]
Kaladin apologizes for his actions and promises not to hit the brightlord again, but rather that they need to talk. Roshone refused at first and insisted that his soldiers attack Kaladin, but they refuse after Kaladin summons [[Syl]]. The brightlord tells Kaladin that the parshmen escaped, but they fled instead of attacking the city. Kaladin asks what direction they went, but Roshone's soldiers do not know. Kaladin promises to tell Elhokar about the city's destroyed food supply. In return, he requests a horse to go hunt the parshmen and tells Roshone that he can't stay. He warns the brightlord that he must stand up and lead his people. [[Laral]] promises they will do it and arranges for Kaladin to use a spanreed. Kaladin questions whether or not she is truly happy and he is surprised to find she is content with her life in Hearthstone. Kaladin dropped the argument and returned to see his father. Lirin is happy that he returned and is well, but is concerned that he is caught up in war. Kaladin tells him that he is a "watcher at the rim" and must do what he can to protect others. His father understands and asks him to see his mother before he leaves. On his way, he runs into Laral who has the spanreed set up for Kaladin. He gives an update to [[Dalinar]], who encourages him to find out what the enemy is doing without taking any unnecessary risks. After their conversation, Kaladin goes to see Hesina who introduces him to his new brother, [[Oroden]]. Before leaving, Kaladin promises he will come back for Lirin, Hesina, and Oroden, but Lirin insists that he must stay if the [[Desolation]] is upon them. He assures them he will return and that Dalinar has refounded the [[Knights Radiant]] and this time, they will not fail them.{{book ref|sa3|7}}
=== Finding the Parshmen ===
==== Hornhollow ====
Upon his departure from Hearthstone, Kaladin pursued the Voidbringers. After two days, he arrived in the village of [[Hornhollow]]. There, the townspeople had gathered for a town meeting. Syl transformed herself into the shape of a Shardblade and he was welcomed by the crowd. A lighteyed man asked Kaladin if he'd rather rest and eat or attack the rogue parshmen. Kaladin ordered the man to take him to them.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
An ardent informs him that the parshmen, about fifty in number and presumably in warform, sought the grain out specifically. Two men were hurt during the attack, [[Khem]] and another man. Kaladin then seeks out the citylord who tells him that his scouts know which direction the parshmen went, towards Kholinar. The citylord offers to have his men escort Kaladin, but he departs alone, saying they would only slow him down.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
==== Traveling with the Parshmen ====
When Kaladin finally caught up to the [[Voidbringers]], he was surprised to find they not only were playing cards, but that they looked very different than what he expected. Rather than being red and black marbled like [[Rlain]], the parshmen's skin was marbled white and red. They were not wearing warform, nor did they have red eyes. Kaladin observed them for awhile and tells [[Syl]] they had been wrong. These parshmen weren't the destroyers they had been told about. One of their number noticed him, sounding the alarm. As they took up their cudgels, Kaladin hesitated. Though he knew he could easily defeat them, it didn't set right, so he surrendered instead.{{book ref|sa3|14}}
Over the next few days, Kaladin spent his time showing the parshmen how to cook food, bind wounds, and build equipment. Sah becomes frustrated though that he needs Kaladin's help at all, that he fled one master just to have to listen to him explain things that he should already know. Kaladin explained that "freedom" is a strange word and that despite serving another brightlord, he feels more free now than ever. Once Sah finished the hatchet, he asked Kaladin why he isn't afraid to show them these things. Kaladin explained that he has a choice and that it doesn't have to come to war. Despite his own words, Kaladin fears that the war is inevitable, so Syl encourages him to find the middle ground.{{book ref|sa3|20}}
==== Revolar ====
Kaladin secured a private storm bunker for the growing group of parshmen in the [[Vamah]] city of [[Revolar]] after Syl warned him of an approaching [[highstorm]]. Khen was pleased with Kaladin's work and the group hunkered down for the storm. While it raged outside and Kaladin debated how much longer he could delay returning to Urithiru, the yellow Voidspren appeared beside him. Kaladin told her he could see her and she replied that she wanted him to. She asked Kaladin why he was still there and after a lie, he admitted that the world is changing and he wanted to see which way it went. She asked Kaladin if he would fight them and he questioned if he would be allowed. She admitted that the final decision isn't with her, as she is just a messenger, but that he will find out once they reach their destination. She finally asked Kaladin how he knew of the approaching highstorm. He said he felt it in his bones and she said humans can't feel storms. She gave him a knowing smile and then disappeared.{{book ref|sa3|23}}
During the exchange with the guards, something crashed into Kaladin, tossing him backwards. As they grasped for his throat, Kaladin kicked them off and he Lashed himself into the air. The red-eyed parshman that attacked Kaladin glowed with what looked like dark Stormlight. Another creature appeared and Kaladin Lashed himself straight toward the stormwall. He pleaded with the [[Stormfather]] to show mercy and spare the people below. The Stormfather seemed to consider his request, but said it was something that could not be done. Kaladin zoomed to the ground hoping to find the people safe, but it was all for naught. He hit the ground and dropped Syl, seizing a young father, his son, and another woman. He led them to a group of two dozen people and walked with them. Consumed with pain, Kaladin sucked in Stormlight and deflected the storm while the battered people huddled behind him. He provided them with cover, diverting the storm long enough for the people to reach the bunker. Syl was impressed with what he had done, but Kaladin was dissatisfied that it wasn't enough. Kaladin pushed himself out of the stormwall and then rode in front of the storm for a good hour. Syl instructed Kaladin to follow the wind's nudging as the Stormfather's way of apologizing. He allowed the winds to channel him for hours and by the time the storm passed, he found himself outside of [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|31}}
=== Siege of Kholinar ===
==== Opening Thaylen City's Oathgate ====
====Opening Thaylen City's Oathgate====
Kaladin is appointed by Elhokar to come on the mission to open the [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate]]. Kaladin wants to do this by Lashing the group above a highstorm, where their Stormlight for the Lashings will be constantly renewed, like he did when fighting Szeth during the Battle of Narak. When [[Queen Fen]] finally agrees to have the [[Thaylen City]] Oathgate opened, Dalinar uses the opportunity to give Kaladin practice flying with somebody in the highstorm, and sends Kaladin with Shallan to unlock the Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|58}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
[[File:Kaladin-antti.jpg|thumb|right|300px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Antti Hakosaari|Antti Hakosaari]]</small></center> ]]
=== Surgebinding ===
Kaladin has the ability to manipulate the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation through his Nahel bond with the honorspren Sylphrena.{{book ref|sa1|57}} By breathing in Stormlight, he gains superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina, and healing, as long as he has access to Stormlight.{{book ref|sa1|62}} While his honorspren is present with him, his movements are enhanced by her, which Kaladin describes as "being guided by the wind." This gives Kaladin a superior natural fighting talent, although it does not replace skill by itself.{{book ref|sa2|52}} After Kaladin swore the third Ideal of the Windrunners, Sylphrena gained the ability to become a Shardblade. Unlike the dead Blades left after the Recreance, Kaladin can summon her in the form of any weapon he chooses, as well as a shield, and transform it from one to another almost instantaneously.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
==== Resonance ====
As a Knight Radiant who has access to two Surges he also has a [[resonance]].{{wob ref|1296}} Windrunners, such as Kaladin, have an increased number of squires[[squire]]s, more than any other order, as their resonance.{{wob ref|915}}
=== Combat Skills ===
== Development ==
| Back when Kaladin was called Merin, he didn't work well as a character. He was too much the standard "farmboy who becomes a nobleman" from fantasy genre cliché.
| ''The Way of Kings'' annotations{{wob ref|8965}}
Kaladin's precursor in the [[Stormlight Archive]] was '''Merin''', a character Brandon came up with in the year 2000. In the original draft for ''The Way of Kings'', ''[[The Way of Kings Prime]]'', Merin wins a [[Shardblade]] after defending [[Elhokar]] on the field of battle. Much like Kaladin, Merin is of low social rank (it's unclear if the concept of eye color denoting social status was already present). As such, there are people who don't wish to him to have the Shards; however, at the insistence of Dalenar (proto-[[Dalinar]]), Merin is made a Shardbearer and adopted into [[House Kholin]].{{wob ref|4650}}
== Quotes ==
| Perhaps you should pray to the Almighty for guidance. I hear he has a fondness for slavers. Keeps a special room in Damnation just for you.
| Kaladin to Tvlakv{{book ref|twoksa1|4}}
| Men are unreliable in many things. But if there's one thing you can count on, it's their greed.
| Kaladin to Sylphrena{{book ref|twoksa1|17}}
| Death isn't better. Oh, it's easy to say that now. But when you stand on the ledge and look down into that dark, endless pit, you change your mind. Just like Hobber did. Just like I've done. I think you've seen it too.
| Kaladin to Teft{{book ref|twoksa1|21}}
| Tradition is the blind witness they use to condemn us, Teft. It's the pretty box they use to wrap up their lies. It makes us serve them.
| Kaladin about lighteyes{{book ref|twoksa1|23}}
| Soon you'll hardly be a spren at all. You'll be a little translucent philosopher. We'll have to send you off to a monastery to spend your time in deep, important thoughts.
| Kaladin to Sylphrena{{book ref|twoksa1|30}}
| Storm you! Look at that! Who cares for them? Not Sadeas. Not their fellow bridgemen. I doubt even the Heralds themselves spare a thought for these. I won't stand there and watch while men die behind me. We have to be better than that! We can't look away like the lighteyes, pretending we don't see. This man is one of us. Just like Dunny was. The lighteyes talk about honor. They spout empty claims about their nobility. Well, I've only known one man in my life who was a true man of honor. He was a surgeon who would help anyone, even those who hated him. Especially those who hated him. Well, we're going to show Gaz, and Sadeas, Hashal, and any other sodden fool who cares to watch, what he taught me. Now go to work and stop complaining!
| Kaladin about members of other bridge crews{{book ref|twok|53}}
| I've been here before! What happened last time? I've learned! I won't be a fool again! I owe you nothing, Kholin.
| Kaladin yelling before helping Dalinar's army{{book ref|sa1|67}}
== Trivia ==
* Kaladin is currently immune to the [[Thrill]], although he may have felt it in the past.{{wob ref|10378}}{{book ref|twoksa1|16}}
* Kaladin spoke the Second Ideal of the Windrunners in modern Alethi.{{wob ref|4049}}
* Despite previous contradicting statements by Brandon, Kaladin is not likely to get another flashback book anymore.{{cite|previous ref was wrong?}}
* Kaladin's name comes from the combining of the name [[Kalak]] and the Alethi suffix 'din'. His name means 'born unto eternity'.{{wob ref|3199}}
* Kaladin and ex-queen [[Aesudan Kholin]] are distantly related, through Hesina.{{wob ref|10909}}
== Notes ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
