Difference between revisions of "Kaladin/Gallery"

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m (moved cover art to official artwork section)
WoR BG cover art.jpg | <center><small>by Hristo Chukov</small></center>Fighting [[Szeth]], Bulgarian cover for ''[[Words of Radiance]]''
OB PL part 2 new cover art.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Dominik Broniek}}</small></center> With [[Syl]], Polish cover for ''[[Oathbringer]]'', part 2
Honor Chasm.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind: Artists/Thorkild Skov{{a|Thorkild Skov]]}}</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]], Danish cover for volume one of ''[[The Way of Kings]]''
The First Bridge Run by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Kaladin's first bridge run
Honor Chasm by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]]
Honor Chasm.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind: Artists/Thorkild Skov|Thorkild Skov]]</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]]
Kaladin at Honor Chasm.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind: Artists/Madison Coyne|Madison Coyne]]</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]]
Stormblessed by Jessi Ochse.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Jessi Ochse|Jessi Ochse]]</small></center> At the [[Honor Chasm]]