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m (Text replacement - " Brunstell" to " ''Brunstell''")
After Wax secured the ship and the Set's soldiers were defeated Jordis lead her crew aboard the ship to secure it and make sure no one remained inside.{{book ref|mb6|30}} When Jordis finished her inspection, she swapped to the translation medallion and came to the field outside the temple with some of her airmen to talk to Wax and his companions. She thanked Wax for his help but explained that she expected her property, the ship and the Bands of Mourning, to be returned to her. To Jordis' anger, Wax refused to return them, claiming they were his by right of salvage. Jordis told him that her crew had been poorly treated by the northerners and he risked war by refusing to return their property. Wax still refused, saying that if there was to be war, he would not give them a powerful weapon to fight it with.
Steris interrupted their argument and convinced Wax to return the ship to Jordis, pointing out that the Southerners would have no way home without it and that they could trade access to Metalborn for ships with the Malwish.{{book ref|mb6|30}} Jordis was uneasy with this deal, explaining that she could not speak for the other nations among the southerners. Steris suggested then that the Bands be given to the kandra, only to be used in the event of an unprovoked attack by the southerners. Jordis was frustrated by this, feeling that she was walking away with a lesser prize, returning with a badly injured crew and an out-of-date ship and leaving the Bands behind. Steris continued to negotiate, explaining that Wax's seat on the senate would allow him to support favorable treaties with the Malwish. Jordis remained dissatisfied and furious, but realizing that Wax and Steris were offering her a much better deal than was necessary,{{book ref|mb6|31}} she reluctantly agreed and shook hands with Wax. Wax asked her for one more favor, a ride back to Elendel{{book ref|mb6|30}} in exchange for provisions for her journey home.{{book ref|mb6|31}} JordishJordis agreed with this also.{{book ref|mb6|31}} As they prepared to leave, Jordis likely had the skimmer from the ''Brunstell'' loaded aboard the salvaged airship as well.{{book ref|mb6|30}}
=== Returning Home ===