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m (link to honorblades)
m (move link out of quote cuz the former is tacky)
{{image|Herald Glyph Jezrien.svg|side=left|width=150px|Jezrien's Symbol}}
|The Heralds glow like the sun, wield the [[Honorblade]]sHonorblades, and speak with the voices of a thousand trumpets. They could cast down buildings with a command, force the storms to obey, and heal with a touch.
|[[Shallan Davar]]'s thoughts on the Heralds{{book ref|sa2|63}}
=== Shardwielding and Surgebinding ===
As a Herald, Jezrien has access to his [[Honorblade]], a variety of Shardblade given to him by the Shard Honor.{{book ref|sa3|16}} This Shardblade is able to cut through any material, stone, steel, or even living things effortlessly.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} This allowed Jezrien to be a formidable foe on the battlefield, particularly against [[thunderclast]]s, as his Blade can cut their stone flesh easier than anything else.{{book ref|sa3|120}} As he had spent an enormous amount of time using the Honorblade in the fight against the Voidbringers, Jezrien was likely very experienced in using his Blade. Unlike most Shardblades, this Honorblade also granted Jezrien access to the [[Surge]]s of [[Surgebinding#Adhesion|Adhesion]] and [[Surgebinding#Gravitation|Gravitation]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} As he was not sworn to a spren, he was able to do with his Blade what he liked, without regard for any oaths.{{book ref|sa2|87}} Jezrien also had no need for [[Stormlight]], his Surgebinding was powered directly by Honor.{{wob ref|1572}} It is unknown how this would have been impacted by Honor's death. Since giving up his Honorblade when he gave up the Oathpact, Jezrien is likely unable to Surgebind.
== History ==