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(Changed "Inkima seemed quite TAKING with Jakamav," to "Inkima seemed quite TAKEN with Jakamav" (changed word capitalized for emphasis).)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Jakamav''' wasis a lighteyes of the third [[dahn]] from [[Highprince]] [[Roion]]'s camp.{{book ref|twok|58}} and one of his various landlords.{{book ref|sa2|26}}
==Appearance and Personality==
He was a sturdy man.{{book ref|twok|58}} He accompanied [[Inkima]] to a wine house in the [[Outer Market]] for a tasting with [[Adolin Kholin]] and several other lighteyes. Inkima seemed quite taken with Jamakav, giggling at most of his comments, even the unfunny ones.
Jakamav is sturdy Alethi man{{book ref|twok|58}} with pale green eyes.{{book ref|sa2|26}}
HeJakamav ownshas [[Shardplate]]an andinfectious islaugh{{book partref|sa2|26}} ofand a battle whichis Adolin's assistsfriend{{book him with.ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa2|26}} Hethough wore hisAdolin shardplatecomes to thedoubt meetingwhether wherehe Adolinhas any real challengesfriends [[Elitat Ruthar]]all.{{book ref|sa2|3726}} HeHis wasreputation oneis ofmore theimportant fourto whohim enteredthen thespending dualtime againstwith Adolin.{{book ref|sa2|5626}} Heand Jakamav is eventually forcedwilling to yieldbetray toAdolin [[Kaladin]]for shards.{{book ref|sa2|56}}{{book ref|sa2|57}}
He owns green painted{{book ref|sa2|56}} [[Shardplate]] and, lacking a [[Shardblade]] of his own, uses a large Shardbearer's war hammer in battle.{{book ref|sa2|26}}
He was a sturdy man.{{book ref|twok|58}} He accompaniedaccompanies [[Inkima]] to a wine house in the [[Outer Market]] for a tasting with [[Adolin Kholin]], and[[Danlan severalMorakotha]], other[[Toral]] lighteyesand [[Eshava]]. Inkima seemed quite taken with Jamakav, giggling at most of his comments, even the unfunny ones.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
Jakamav is part of Roion and [[Ruthar]]'s plateau run which Adolin assists with. Both men end up climbing a cliff face during the battle. Afterwards he tells Adolin that [[Eranniv]] has been making promises to Shardbearers so that they'll refuse duels with Adolin. He also tells Adolin it would be bad for his reputation to be seen with him.{{book ref|sa2|26}} He is present at the meeting of the Alethi highprinces where he accompanied Roion whilst wearing his Shardplate, as protection against a potential assassination attempt.{{book ref|sa2|37}}
Jakamav is one of the four who entered the dual against Adolin and was most likely promised a share of the spoils should Adolin have been defeated. When Adolin asks him why he's a part of this however he says nothing.{{book ref|sa2|56}} He is eventually forced to yield when Adolin wrestles him to the ground and Kaladin holds a knife to the opening in his armor.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
== Notes ==
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