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Many methods of accessing Shardic power have been observed throughout the cosmere, but all share certain cardinal similarities; an established connection or ability to create a connection to a source of power and a way of directing that power. Methods of accessing Investiture can be broadly divided into two types: physical and mechanical; the source of the Investiture (end-positive, end-neutral, or end-negative) also plays a role in the way the power is accessed.
Several end-positive magics share the trait of requiring a Spiritual shift of some kind; Elantrians are more closely attuned to the Spiritual Realm (incidentally, this is why [[Hemalurgy]] gets more from them),{{wob ref|6218}} Allomancers, in Classical Scadrial, had to Snap to access power,{{cite}} and Surgebinders "plug" spren into themselves.{{cite}} Once a conduit has been established, a key, such as an Aon, metal, or Command, is used to tell it how to act.
While a key is generally used, [[Shard]]s can also choose to use their Investiture to power magic: [[Endowment]] breaks pieces off itself to resurrect the [[Returned]], and [[Preservation]] powers Vin's Allomancy with the Mists; some magics, such as [[BioChroma]] and [[Feruchemy]], deal with the use of power that already exists within a human (be that naturally or by Shardic intervention). Others lack an explicit key; instead of pulling power directly from a Shard, Surgebinders draw from the Investiture of highstorms, and direct it through their bond with their spren, similarly to [[fabrial]]s.