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Large amounts of Investiture concentrated in a specific location tend to pierce a hole in the three realms (Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical) and create a perpendicularity. This effect is similar to the gravity generated by large amounts of matter.{{wob ref|8920}} Like matter, Investiture causes time dilation in any amount, with the degree of time dilation being proportional to the amount of Investiture in a given area, but this is relatively mild even by perpendicularities.{{book ref|sa4|i|1}}{{wob ref|13425}}{{wob ref|13453}}{{wob ref|16014}} But the amount of Investiture condensed into [[Shard]]s is able to cause a degree of time dilation that would be virtually impossible in the real world.{{wob ref|16014}}
When a Shard is "co-opting or corrupting another Shard's magic", the color red has a tendency to manifest.{{wob ref|8340}}{{book ref|sa3|117}}{{tes ref|30}} All Investiture creates some type of emotional reaction in users.{{wob ref|13392}} Investiture has flavor to beings such as [[Nightblood]], and different Investitures would have different flavors.{{wob ref|15669}}{{book ref|sa4|42}} Raw Investiture responds to thoughts, emotions, and emotionsIntent, especially from heavily Invested beings.{{book ref|yumi|32}}{{book ref|tsm|21}}
Investiture works in a similar fashion to energy in that it follows its own version of the laws of thermodynamics. It is not possible to create, or destroy, Investiture; it can only be redistributed or changed in form.{{wob ref|1649}} Following from this, Investiture can be converted directly into mass or energy, and vice versa.{{book ref|mb7|17}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|78}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}{{book ref|sa4|97}}
== Healing ==
Many magic systems in the [[cosmere]] are able to heal a person from damage. This includes physical wounds{{book ref|mb6|14}} or sprains,{{book ref|sa3|10}} and can even heal fatal damage.{{book ref|mb6|17}}{{book ref|sa3|72}} Limbs and body parts can be regrown as well.{{book ref|sa2|87}} Healing can also be used to recover from poisoning,{{book ref|sa3|18}} sickness such as a cold or cancer,{{wob ref|1009}} chronic diseases, such as poor eyesight,{{wob ref|2833}}{{book ref|wor|89}} tiredness,{{book ref|mb4|15}} and even damage to the [[spiritweb|soul]].{{book ref|sa3|37}} Constantly healing from wounds can leave the user invulnerable to pain.{{book ref|mb4|13}} Most forms of extreme healing don't care much about what is done to the physical body, as long as the person's spiritual template is in power at the time.{{wob ref|3535}} Some magic systems are better at healing than others, and general healing can happen if a person is Invested enough.{{wob ref|6678}}{{book ref|tsm|49}}
Memories can be restored via healing, as they are stored with the Cognitive version of a person, and encoded into their Investiture. This is also why Cognitive Shadows retain their memories.{{wob ref|15183}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|84}}{{book ref|yumi|32}}
