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== The Nature of Investiture ==
Investiture transcends the three realms: Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual that comprise most of the cosmere. However, it is more Spiritual than anything.{{wob ref|5610}} In the Physical Realm, Investiture is known to exist in solid, (i.e. [[atium]] and [[lerasium]]), liquid ([[Perpendicularity|Shardpools]]), and gaseous material forms (Preservation's Mists, Stormlight, BioChromatic Breath). For some reason, all solid Investiture is metallic, the result of one of the laws governing the cosmere.{{wob ref|9291}} Most often these appear due to influence by a [[Shard]] holder, however some formations occur in a more natural way. AlthoughSome itsolid isInvestiture, hardlike to Invest Invested itemsatium, materialbreaks Investiturethe (referredgeneral torules onregarding [[Scadrial]]how asInvested godobjects metals)interact doesn'twith count as InvestedInvestiture.{{wob ref|8929}} Investiture works in a similar fashion to energy in that it follows its own version of the laws of thermodynamics. It is not possible to destroy Investiture; it can only be redistributed.{{wob ref|1649}} There is at least four law that govern Investiture, with the fourth one relating to Adonalsium.{{wob ref|3544}} Large amounts of Investiture concentrated in a specific location tend to pierce a hole in the three realms (Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical) and create a Perpendicularity. This effect is similar to the gravity generated by large amounts of matter.{{wob ref|8920}} Large amounts of Investiture can also create a time dilation.{{wob ref|13425}}{{wob ref|13453}}
An interesting thing to note is that the color red has a tendency to manifest when a Shard is "co-opting or corrupting another Shard's magic".{{wob ref|8340}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} All Investiture creates some type of emotional reaction in users.{{wob ref|13392}}
;'''Cultivation''': Cultivation’s Investiture is typically associated with the color green.{{wob ref|13074}}
;'''Devotion''': Devotion’s Investiture might be associated with sapphire colors.{{book ref|elantris|25}}{{wob ref|8910}}
;'''Honor''': Honor’s Investiture is typically associated with the color blue-white.{{wob ref|13074}}
;'''Soulcasting''': When Soulcasting, both Surgebinders and fabrial users are limited by the types of gems available to them.{{wob ref|2784}} While the chemical composition of the gemstone is important, its color is paramount, with every color of a polestone corresponding to one of the [[Ten Essences]].{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}} Some polestones are the same type of crystal but with different color and chemical signatures, such as sapphires and rubies both being types of corundum. Much like how [[iron]] and [[steel]], despite being very similar chemically, are different metals in the Metallic Arts, the exact color and chemical signatures are enough to differentiate the polestones. As a result, an off-color polestone acts much like an impure alloy in Allomancy.{{wob ref|4080}} If a polestone was drained of its color by an Awakener, it would still hold Stormlight but would have the properties of a dusty or cloudy quartz.{{wob ref|3203}}{{wob ref|295}} If a spren was trapped inside, the would be released.{{wob ref|292}} Although the type of polestone Stormlight is stored in is irrelevant for most [[Surgebinding]], polestones do have an important impact on Soulcasting. Namely, they determine what kind of substances a Soulcaster can transmute objects into.{{wob ref|2784}}
'''Fabrials''': The color of a gemstone determines its flavor to a spren, and can be used to attract certain types of spren. {{cite}}
==== Other ====
=== Healing the soul ===
When healing the soul, such as a missing piece cut off from a [[Shardblade]], a new patch of soul will be created.{{wob ref|126}}{{wob ref|983}} Healing wounds to the soul is much more [[Spiritual Realm]] based.{{wob ref|6435}} If a magic is strong enough to heal from pieces of a body, it will try to heal from the biggest piece.{{wob ref|4128}} If the body was perfectly cut in half, a random half would be chosen to heal from. Not every magic system is capable of healing soul wounds.{{wob ref|6435}} If the soul leaves the body and is then healed, the soul will not return and the physical body will be the only thing healed, leaving the person dead.{{wob ref|9623}}{{book ref|mb3|82}}{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}} If a soul is healed but not reattached properly, the person will leave a glowing afterimage when they move.,{{book ref|sa3|90}} though it is only visible to those who are highly invested.{{cite}}
=== Limitations ===
==== Nalthis Bonds ====
'''Sentient Awakened Entities in an Inorganic Host''': Also known as Type IV BioChromatic Entities. The only known entityentities of this kind is [[Nightblood]] and Azure's Sword. [[Nightblood]] is a sentient sword made using 1000 breaths and the command to destroy evil. It makes a bond with anyone with whom it wishes to communicate, and it is able to read and speak with minds directly.{{wob ref|6928}} Distance appears to be a factor, but this may be a limitation of the mind of [[Nightblood]] and not its ability. While idle, [[Nightblood]] reaches out to other people, tempting them to draw the blade. "Pure" people who cannot be tempted would feel great nausea, even induce vomiting. Anyone who is able to wield [[Nightblood]] and survive, bonds with the blade to a greater degree and is no longer repelled by or abnormally drawn to use it.{{wob ref|7404}} Those unable to control [[Nightblood]] are controlled by it, in effect [[Nightblood]] wields them killing everyone around and absorbing all of the [[Investiture]] from the victim including the spark of life (i.e. the soul). This bond may grant additional powers on Roshar.{{wob ref|6892}}
==== Scadrial Bonds ====
Of note is that by using [[Hemalurgy]], bonds may be stolen and given to a new person.{{wob ref|6876}}{{wob ref|1153}}
=== The Known effect of Bonds while on other Shardworlds ===
Bonds on some Shardworlds provide the Holders of the Bonds with additional powers.{{wob ref|3488}}
==== Roshar ====
It has been confirmed that Bonds other than the [[Nahel Bond]] will provide powers to the constituent entities of that Bond while on Roshar. What these powers are is unknown, and will not be of the ten [[Surge]]s. The seon bond is confirmed to do this, as the Nahel bond and the seon bond are very similar.{{wob ref|6928}}
== Categories of Investiture ==
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