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== Description and Culture ==
Idris was drab and relatively devoid of color to reflect the Idrian people's devotion to an unostentatious way of life. Stone walls were whitewashed, and clothing was kept a dull grey or tan as a superstition to prevent Awakeners from using colors to fuel their magic. The kingdom was mostly rural, with most people working as shepherds or farmers. Most people believed in [[Austre]], and it was a custom that all families should send at least one child to work in the monastaries. They considered the [[Hallandren]] Gods to be strange and their religion to be untrue, and many told stories of horrible rituals they carried out there. Although the people of Idris could too become [[Returned]], this was a rare occurrence and as the people would not give them [[Breath]] as the people of Hallandren did, they would always die again.
They had a monarchy system of government, and at the time of [[Warbreaker]] was ruled by the King [[Dedelin]]. Those in the royal family who ruled or were potential heirs had the Royal Locks, hair that could change colour according to a person's emotion or at their will, and could also grow when they wanted it to. They would usually keep their hair black or brown, as other colours such as red were considered ostentatious.
=== Bevalis ===
The capital of Idris was the city of '''Bevalis'''. Its roads were unpaved and its houses were stonewalled thatch cottages. The royal palace was a single-story building with a courtyard of packed dirt.{{book ref|wb|1}} It is a small city in comparison to others in Nalthis, with a population number of around a few thousand.{{book ref|wb|9}}
From a young age, children were taught to worship [[Austre]], god of colors, by being as unostentatious as possible. Idrians considered outbursts of emotion to be ostentatious and unseemly, and in fact being seen to be like this became almost a form of pride in itself.
== History ==