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Before the [[Reod]], Iadon was a successful Arelene merchant. He and his first wife had one son, [[Raoden]]. His wife died approximately two years before the Reod.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} By the time the Reod struck, he had become the head of the merchants' guild, a position he used to leverage his bid for kingship during the chaos that followed. He married [[Eshen]] a few months after taking the throne.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} After becoming king, Iadon started to become paranoid and came at least close to madness. As such, the ten years of Iadon's rule were widely regarded as among the worst that Arelon ever faced. One of his greatest misdeeds was the implementation of a feudal system, where nobles practically owned their farmers. The greatest source of opposition during that time was his own son [[Raoden]], who openly spoke against him and made clear he would undo most of Iadon's deeds once he took over. At some time in his rule, Iadon turned to the [[Jeskeri Mysteries]] and eventually started to perform human sacrifices. By the time Raoden was taken by the Shaod, their relationship had soured so much that Iadon didn't even try object when the priests took his son.{{book ref|Elantris|1}} Shortly after Princess [[Sarene]] arived in Arleon.
As Iadon was extremly Sexist he didn't cared abaut her as long as she secured his Contract whit Teod and believd her to be stupid. Sarene howerver was in fact extrmly clever and encureged this in order to Manipulate him. When Gyron [[Hrathen]] arrived in Arleon he visited Iadon demanding the king should Convert but Iadon disimissd him stating the Fjorden empier had gone under centuries ago. Hrathen stardet planing Iadons downfall and tried to bring a King on the Throne more friendly to his cause.
To maintain some dignity and forgo the humiliation of having to abdicate after his heavy involvement with the Jeskeri Mysteries became public, he eventually committed suicide. After Iadon's death, the [[Seinalan|Patriarch]] of [[Shu-Korath]] came to Arelon to read a document Iadon had given him years before, which revealed that Iadon's capricious reign had intentionally laid the groundwork for a much more stable system of government. From then on, all noble titles were to be frozen, and that nobility would henceforth be based on inheritance and not on wealth.{{book ref|Elantris|38}}