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'''''Hyperthief''''' is a short story in the [[Skyward (series)|Skyward series]], co-written by [[Brandon Sanderson]] and [[Janci Patterson]]. It is set after ''[[Evershore (novella)|Evershore]]'' and follows [[FM]], [[Rig]], [[Alanik]], and [[Nedd]] in third-person limited perspectives. It was initially distributed as a physical booklet at the Dragonsteel 2023 convention and then sold as part of a Cytoverse bundle.
== Summary ==
FM, Rig, [[Clink]], and [[Gill]] eat lunch together on FM's birthday. FM and Rig talk about their childhood birthday traditions, and then the slugs disappear. Rig gets a call from his engineering team and has to leave. The other engineers inform him that three generators and some other equipment had vanished.
Alanik sees a human supply clerk arguing with an [[UrDail]] cargo pilot. Alanik mediates and learns that a food shipment from [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]] had vanished. Alanik suspects that a [[Cytonics|cytonic]] working against the alliance might be involved.
Nedd's lunch is interrupted by an emergency flight mission. The taynix had reported cytonic activity on a certain platform, and Skyward Flight goes to investigate. [[Arturo]] and Alanik hyperjump to the platform, and then Alanik goes to [[Jorgen]] and [[FM]] to jump them to the platform as well. They find all the stolen equipment and food, as well as Gill and many other slugs. The taynix had thrown a surprise birthday party for FM based on what they learned about birthdays from her conversation with Rig. They summon the rest of Skyward Flight and enjoy the party.
Autopatrolled, Editors
