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Honorspren are generally warlike and oath-bound, with a strong military tradition.{{book ref|sa3|47}} While fairly isolationist, they are willing to let other spren live alongside them, though it seems a non-honorspren cannot attain a high rank in their society. The honorspren themselvesThey believe themselves to be oathbound to follow Honor's path and serve what they believethink to be his interests. However, they are also highly respectful of the [[Bondsmith]]s, and the [[Stormfather]] Bondsmith in particular. The latter is likely due to many of them seeing the Stormfather as their parent or progenitor.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
They are stubborn, and it's difficult to change their mind once they've settled on something.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Obedience and order are highly valued in their society, and they're willing to put up bounties for their rebellious kinsmen.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book ref|sa3|102}} TheyThis arebeing not [[highspren]]said, though, something theyhnorspren pride themselves on. Theynot arebeing capableas ofuptight flexibilityas the [[highspren]], and acknowledging thecan realitybe offlexible awhen situationnecessary.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
Of all spren, honorspren are noted to have the most human mannerisms.{{book ref|sa3|108}} They sometimes engage in grand hunts, tracking down and slaying other creatures of Shadesmar, like gloomspren.{{book ref|sa3|5}}
