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{{image|Honor and Cultivation by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Honor and [[Cultivation]]}}
=== Creation ===
The Shard of Honor was created, like all others, at the [[Shattering]] of [[Adonalsium]], and picked up by [[Tanavast]] over ten-thousand years before the rebellion against the [[Cinder King]].{{book ref|sa4|i|1}}{{book ref|tsm|11}} Though the Shards had an agreement to go their own separate ways, he and [[Cultivation]] traveled together to the [[Rosharan system]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|39}}{{wob ref|1169}} However, whatever the actual text of the agreement, Honor did not consider his actions to be breaking it, or exploiting a loophole in it.{{wob ref|10835}} The reason for that could be that Tanavast and [[Koravellium Avast]] were romantically involved.{{wob ref|2786}}
=== God of Roshar ===