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|books=[[Mistborn: The Final Empire]]
'''Holstep''' was a town in the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]].
It had a garrison of a thousand soldiers strong. It was about an hour north of the [[Luth-Davn Canal]], and by canal a two-week journey from [[Luthadel]] to the north.{{book ref|mb1|24}} It is near the [[Arguois caverns]].{{book ref|mb1|25}} [[Valtroux]] is about three days march from Holstep.{{book ref|mb1|25}}
== History ==
At [[Yeden]]'s command, a portion of the [[skaa rebellion]] camped in the [[Arguois caverns]] attacked the Holstep Garrison at night,. killingAbout thetwo soldiersthousand there before being massacred byof the soldiersskaa of the(including [[ValtrouxDemoux]]) Garrison.declined [[Sertes]]to attemptsjoin the attack, believing it to recruitbe [[Ham]]a backstrategic intomistake. Yeden led the [[Luthadelremaining Garrison]]five afterthousand passingskaa onto victory over the newsmuch smaller Holstep force of about one thousand, although the rebellionfight was more difficult than he had expected.{{book ref|mb1|2425}}
During the battle, a messenger managed to flee Holstep and reach the nearby city of [[Valtroux]], which immediately sent its garrison of five thousand soldiers. The [[Lord Ruler]] learned of the size of the rebel force and also deployed the [[Luthadel Garrison]], although they would take more time to reach Holstep.{{book ref|mb1|24}} [[Ham]] learned of these events from [[Sertes]] and warned [[Kelsier]], but it was too late for him to help.{{book ref|mb1|24}} Although the remaining skaa army managed to put up a fight, they were drained from the previous battle and the well-trained Valtroux Garrison overwhelmed them.{{book ref|mb1|25}}{{book ref|mb1|26}} The Valtroux Garrison took no prisoners, and the heads of Yeden and other officers were put on spears by the road, presumably as a warning to other rebellious skaa.{{book ref|mb1|25}} After the Luthadel Garrison arrived, they relieved the Valtroux troops and hunted down any remaining rebels.{{book ref|mb1|26}} The only skaa survivors were the group that remained in the caverns.{{book ref|mb1|25}}
The battle at Holstep was a serious setback for Kelsier's plans to overthrow the Lord Ruler. He blamed himself for the defeat, and believed that his own enthusiasm and the promise of help from [[Allomancer]]s were the source of Yeden's overconfidence.{{book ref|mb1|25}}
== Notes ==