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=== Personality ===
Hoid's true personality, while also usually disguised, is more easily seen as he occasionally drops whatever part he is playing. One of his overall most noticeable traits is his sharp wit and intelligence. The characters he plays often have a penchant for jokes and mockery but when he removes the facade his personality often seems mysterious and grave.{{book ref|twok|epilogue}}{{book ref|twok|57}} IfHoid hewould wasnot asked about whether he calledconsider himself a good man personality-wise, Hoid would reply with a "No".{{wob ref|1704}} Hoid is not always serious when he should be, due to how much normal human interaction bores him.{{wob ref|14988}}
Hoid cannot directly physically harm people; this is an involuntary trait that is the result of changes to his spirit made during his time as a [[Dawnshard]].{{wob ref|8687}}{{wob ref|14300}} [[Lunamor]] says he cannot hurt man because it is forbidden by other gods.{{book ref|sa2|46}} He also tells a young [[Shallan Davar]], "You needn't fear me. I'm terribly ineffective at hurting people. I blame my upbringing."{{book ref|sa2|45}} Hoid apologizes to [[Kelsier]] after beating him in a fight, stating he doesn't have the inclination to do real harm to him.{{msh ref|2|1}} This aversion causes him to be nauseated when thinking about physically harming someone, and is sometimes bad enough to incapacitate him. However, this only extends to physical trauma- Hoid has no issues with mentally hurting someone or through inaction.{{wob ref|2010}} Hoid also has issues with harming himself physically, such as when he has to manipulate another man into punching him when he wants a tooth knocked out, rather than just doing it himself.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}{{wob ref|8498}} If he had the capacity to, he would be willing to kill to achieve his goals, he would also let even those he cares about perish if it meant the furtherance of his goals.{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{wob ref|2248}}
Hoid is a very kind person to those he takes a liking to, doing his best to emotionally console them and give them the will to keep going. This can be seen in the various times he has told [[Kaladin]] stories in order to comfort him and teach him a lesson that he believes he needs to learn.{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa4|80}} He has done the same to Shallan, most notably when he met her as a child traumatized by her experiences and the abuses she went through during the [[Middlefest Fair]]. Here, he consoles her and gave her motivation to keep moving forward.{{book ref|sa2|45}} He did the same later, when speaking with her in [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|82}} He occasionally uses [[Allomancy]] to help Soothe people.{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{wob ref|6933}}
While he is very comforting to those he likes, and can sometimes be open about some parts of his past; he does make sure that they never come to trust him too much, and that they understand what kind of person he is, and that they understand the dangers involved with getting to close to or trusting him.{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{book ref|sa3|68}}
On the other end, he finds great joy in tormenting those he hates, such as [[Ruthar]], [[Rayse]], or Kelsier.{{book ref|sa4|50}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa4|115}}{{msh ref|2|1}} This is likely a large part in his enjoyment of playing the role of court jesters like the King's Wit or the Imperial Fool. This behavior of his tends to rub many people the wrong way, making him despised by many people he interacts with.{{msh ref|2|1}}{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} He sometimes bickers even with those he likes, such as [[Design]], though this takes the form of an exasperated fondness rather than bitter mockery.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{book ref|yumi}}
He deeply enjoys storytelling, and has learned many stories over his long life. The stories he tells often have a personal or thematic relevance to those he is telling them to.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa3|82}}{{book ref|sa4|80}} Though sometimes, he simply tells stories for the sake of telling them, as he feels that as stories exist, they must be told.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|yumi}}{{book ref|tress}} As a storyteller, he deeply hates when people spoil his stories.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} He also enjoys pontificating on the nature of art and storytelling to whoever would listen.{{book ref|sa1|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{book ref|ws|epilogue}}{{book ref|yumi}} He also enjoys asking people questions of philosophy and ideology, and would do so even with complete strangers. He uses these questions in order to use the answers of others as a jumping off point to share his own philosophy on the subject in question.{{book ref|sa1|epilogue}}
AnotherHe thing healso finds joy in is getting away with things.{{wob ref|1745}}
As a child, he often stared at the stars and wondered about what they were and what it would be like to visit them.{{book ref|tsm|10}}
For unknown reasons, he was willing to turn down the immense power of a [[Shard]] when it was offered to him.{{epigraph ref|sa3|38}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|41}} This is likely connected to his self-professed distrust of the [[Vessel]]s to make their own decisions.{{book ref|tress|56}}
For unknown reasons, he was willing to turn down the immense power of a [[Shard]] when it was offered to him.{{epigraph ref|sa3|38}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|41}} This is likely connected to his self-professed distrust of the [[Vessel]]s to make their own decisions.{{book ref|tress|56}}
He has a very negative outlook on himself, often believing that he has no answers for others or even any answers at all,{{book ref|sa1|57}} believes that he should never be trusted due to what he is willing to do to achieve his goals,{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{book ref|sa3|68}} he thinks himself arrogant and regrets many of his actions and inactions throughout his life,{{book ref|tress|56}}{{book ref|sa1|57}} and he does not consider himself a good man.{{wob ref|1704}} He even considers a Dawnshard itself to have become completely worthless in his wearing of it.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
His ultimate goal is to "make that which once was," though the exact details are currently unknown.{{wob ref|9218}}
==== Philosophy ====
