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Hoid is a very kind person to those he takes a liking to, doing his best to emotionally console them and give them the will to keep going. This can be seen in the various times he has told Kaladin stories in order to comfort him and teach him a lesson that he believes he needs to learn.{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa4|80}} He has done the same to Shallan, most notably when he met her as a child traumatized by her experiences and the abuses she went through during the Middlefest Fair. Her, he consoles her and gave her motivation to keep moving forward.{{book ref|sa2|45}} He did the same later, when speaking with her in Kholinar.{{book ref|sa3|82}} He occasionally uses allomancy to help soothe people.{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{wob ref|6933}} While he is very comforting to those he likes, and can sometimes he open about some parts of his past, he does make sure to insure that they don't trust him too much.{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{book ref|sa3|68}}
On the other end, he finds great joy in tormenting those he hates, such as [[Ruthar]] and [[Rayse]].{{book ref|sa4|50}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}
He deeply enjoys storytelling, and has learned many stories over his long life. The stories he tells often have a personal or thematic relevance to those he is telling them to.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa4|80}} As a storyteller, he deeply hates when people spoil his stories.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} He also enjoys pontificating on the nature of art and storytelling to whoever would listen.{{book ref|sa1|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{book ref|yumi}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
