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==== The Letters ====
{{image|Hoid and Frost by Jenny Slife.jpg|side=right|height=250px|With Frost}}
In the epigraphs in Part 2 of The Way of Kings, there is the text of a [[letters|letter]] written by Hoid to [[Frost]]. It offers valuable insights into his personality and goals. The author of the Letter is being hunted by the Seventeenth Shard and has set a false trail for them to follow, which lines up well with the interlude in which three men are searching for Hoid. The author comes across as not at all worried about them, and in fact seems mildly amused. Brandon has also said that we "may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse," with the Letter being the only real example of this.{{wob ref|4130}}
The Letters in [[Oathbringer]]'s epigraphs are all from Shards{{wob ref|8401}} and all of them are directed to Hoid, as is the letter from the epigraphs of Part 2 of [[Rhythm of War]].