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Herdaz has a long history of conflict with the Alethi.{{book ref|sa3|24}} It was one of the first conquests of the warlord [[Sadees]], though like many others, it did not remain within his sons' grasp after his death.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Much later, following [[Gavilar Kholin]]'s unification of Alethkar, a change of dynasties occured in Herdaz, and the new monarch began threatening the Alethi borders in an attempt to test them.{{book ref|sa3|49}} The Alethi responded by sending armies led by the king's brother, [[Dalinar Kholin]], who spent about four years campaigning in the borderlands, shaping the modern Alethkar-Herdaz border.{{book ref|sa3|52}}
Prior to the [[True Desolation]], it seems the country wasn't doing very well, as numerous Herdazians elected to leave their country, with some only coming back from time to time while others never returned.{{book ref|sa2|22}}{{book ref|sa2|41}} However, it appears to have weathered the [[Everstorm]] without much destruction, as the [[Voidbringer]]s focused on bringing down their neighboring countriesstates.{{book ref|sa3|96}} When Dalinar contacted them to get their support for his coalition, they initially believed that he was trying to trick them into letting him invade them.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Following the fall of Alethkar, a number of Alethi forces withdrew to Herdaz in an attempt to mount an organized resistance, among them forces led by [[Sheler]] and [[Relis Ruthar]].{{book ref|sa3|58}}{{book ref|sa3|96}} While most refugees have been folded under the command of an unnamed [[Herdazian general]], at some points the cooperation between the two countriesarmies wascould got heated at times, as brightlord Sheler was captured and put up for execution after assaulting the local women.{{book ref|sa3|i|10}}
== Politics and Culture ==
Herdazians are rather tight-knit people. They have large families - a single person can easily be related to half the country - and will stick together, the bonds between them stronger than whatever country they happen to find themselves in.{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{wob ref|8262}} Majority of them seem to be [[Vorin]], though they practice their own variety of the faith, one that permits men to write.{{book ref|sa2|12}}{{book ref|sa3|50}}
Herdazian cousine uses mostly a wide variety of shellfood, as well as flatbreat.{{book ref|sa3|13}} [[Chull]] head is considered a delicacy.{{book ref|sa2|12}} The most famous Herdazian dish is [[chouta]], fried [[Soulcasting|Soulcast]] meat wrapped tighly in flatbread and topped with sauce, though sometimes the meat is replaced with shellfood.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
=== Language ===
