Difference between revisions of "Help:Guidelines"

discussion of visual appeal
(discussion of visual appeal)
Before we get into editing articles, we need to talk about some basic editing guidelines concerning things like style, structure, layout, and etiquette. Mistakes are okay, but let's do our best to keep the quality high by following these guidelines.
== Style ==
;Article Body
: Some recommendations of typical headings to use may be found here: [[:Help:Article_structureArticle structure]]. For more guidance, find a similar article to the one you are working on and use it as a guide.
;Notes Section
;Finish Up
: The article should conclude with an article status tag, any relevant navigation boxes, and any extra categories.
== Layout ==
Good layout is important for readability and flow of the article. For examples of good layout, take a look at articles marked as [[Category:Exemplary_articles|exemplary]].
: Good structure, as discussed above, is very important. But also note that deviations from standard structures may be desirable in some cases. If there's little information available under a given section, for example, it may be better to find another place for this information than to have an awkwardly short section. You are also encouraged to create additional sections and subsections as needed, to visually break down the article into more digestible pieces.
: Always consider the overall flow of the article. Reading the article from start to finish should tell a story. Make sure an article doesn't seem to jump around between unrelated topics if possible. Ensure images and quotes relate to the surrounding article text and that they aren't out of place.
: Images are a fantastic way to liven up an article. As always, make sure you have the artists permission first. Take into consideration size and spacing; the image should be clearly visible, but not obtrusive to the article text. Try mixing up the alignment of images so that they appear at different locations along the page rather than cascading down one side. Use captions to explain what the image consists of. And realize that ''too many'' images can also be a problem. If you believe a large number of images are important to an article, consider using a gallery. We'll talk about how to do all of this on the [[:Help:Images]] page.
: Quotes are another great way to provide a visually appealing layout to articles. As discussed above, we don't want to quote large portions of text in the body of articles. But use of relevant quotes is a great way to let the books speak directly into the article. Just like with images, try mixing up the location of any quotes that you use. Creating quotes is covered on the [[:Help:Markup]] page.
== Etiquette ==
Talk through major changes with other editors to make sure others agree with the changes. If you're making significant changes to an article that someone else has put a lot of work into, involve them in the process.
[[Category: Help|{{PAGENAME}}]]
