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(+court assembly)
As part of the government, each Returned is assigned specific administrative duties, such as maintaining the city sewers or commanding part of the army. The God King can nominally make any decision he pleases, but in reality much of the day-to-day government decisions are made by the priests of the various gods.
=== Court Assembly ===
The Court Assembly is a standing commission of the Court of Gods that provides decisions to Hallandren's citizens.{{book ref|wb|8}} It meets daily to make small judgments, but important discussions are reserved for weekly meetings of the full Assembly.{{book ref|wb|8}} The Assembly is made up primarily of priests and priestesses, and meetings are held in a large arena at the back of the Court of Gods.{{book ref|wb|8}}{{book ref|wb|14}} The Returned do not sit on the Assembly,{{book ref|wb|8}} but many of them regularly attend the weekly meetings to watch from ornate stone observation boxes,{{book ref|wb|14}} including Susebron.{{book ref|wb|44}} Some Returned do not concern themselves with politics and rarely attend,{{book ref|wb|47}} while others find the meetings boring because they believe their opinions do not matter.{{book ref|wb|30}} During Assembly meetings, arguments are brought forth regarding various topics such as relations with Idris; [[Siri]] was also presented to the Court at the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|15}} The Assembly's discussions are often full of rhetoric{{book ref|wb|17}} and politically savvy Returned try to influence the direction of the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|16}} Attending the Court Assembly is thought of as a privilege by the people of Hallandren; there are only four benches in the arena for citizens to attend, so only people who are rich, influential, favored by a god, or have at least fifty Breaths attend regularly.{{book ref|wb|15}} Average citizens may enter a lottery to win a token to attend the Assembly.{{book ref|wb|15}}{{book ref|wb|50}}
====Main Assembly====
The regular Court Assembly is not empowered to make major decisions such as a declaration of war; instead, all of the Returned must attend a gathering known as a "main" or "general" assembly so they can all cast a vote.{{book ref|wb|34}}{{book ref|wb|48}} These special assemblies are rare and often very crowded, as citizens who win lottery tokens to attend an Assembly often save them for a main assembly so they can see all of the gods together.{{book ref|wb|50}}
=== Military ===