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(→‎Mission to Shadesmar: Reaching Nameless)
(→‎Mission to Shadesmar: The last stretch to Lasting Integrity)
The expedition was gathering near the oathgate platform. When approaching, Godeke noticed Adolin packing his horse and asked him how many swords he needed. The highprince replied you could never have to many and preceded to show of his collection. Godeke quickly extracted himself from the exchange and hurried along.{{book ref|sa4|21}} The group went to shadesmar and started hiking down from the oathgate to sealevel. At some point, Adolin came walking beside Godeke, who expressed wonder at all the works of the Almighty they could now see. The former ardent thanked the highprince for taking him on the expedition. They proceeded to talk about Vorinism and how Godeke believed Honors was just an aspect of the Almighty, and as such the Almighty could not die. When Dalinar came up he called him a ''holy'' man, and so it was fine for him to write. Godeke compared Dalinar's vibrant transformation to his own smaller transformation when his deformity was healed.{{book ref|sa4|22}}
When after sailing for weeks they finally sighted land, Godeke was eager to leave the ship. The lightweavers went ahead to scout, while Godeke and Adolin discussed how the stormlight in even their biggest gems had started to fade. The highprince asked Godeke to take their last stormlight into town and trade it for supplies. After going into the town, Godeke came searching for Adolin to get him to look at a group of humans.{{book ref|sa4|29}} Together they went to check them out. They found a caravan of what appeared to be Tukari. They tried to talk to them in various languages, with Godeke speaking Thaylen. The caravan responded in a hostile way, and the edgedancer concluded they were Tukari indeed.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
Later the Radiants and their spren discussed how to approach the honorspren. Godeke agreed with [[Arshqqam|the Stump]] that trying to guilt them into helping would not work, nor would threats. The group could not come up with a better alternative.{{book ref|sa4|34}} Later Godeke was scouting ahead with his spren, he had practiced during his Radiant training. After a break, Adolin suddenly realized the Tukari were not following the expedition, but Notum the honorspren. The highprince ran to the rescue and Godeke and the others marched after him as fast as they could.{{book ref|sa4|35}} After Adolin's fight, Godeke inspected the prince's side wound and bound it., as they had no stormlight left to heal with. Before they left, the edgedancer went among the fallen and memorized their faces. When the group reached [[Lasting Integrity]], Godeke joined the others in objecting to Adolin's plan to stand trial.{{book ref|sa4|36}}
== Trivia ==