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== Hideouts ==
They own a taverntenement building in a warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains]] that has a basement. In it there was a display of trophies that [[Shallan]] saw, including several enormous [[gemheart]]s, a tusk was probably from a [[whitespine]], an eye socket, that looked like the structure of a [[santhid]]’s skull, a vial of pale sand, a couple of thick hairpins, a lock of golden hair, the branch of a tree with writing on it, a silver knife, an odd flower preserved in some kind of solution, and a chunk of pale pink crystal that looked like it might be some kind of gemstone. There were also shells that [[Shallan]] vaguely recognized. There were no plaques describing any of these mementos.{{book ref|sa2|43}}
== Known Members ==
Anonymous user