Difference between revisions of "Galladon"

115 bytes added ,  10 months ago
→‎Appearance and Personality: Added that his tall appearance is by Selish standards, and he is notably short off-world (basically all Selish people are explained as short by non-Selish people)
(→‎Appearance and Personality: Added that his tall appearance is by Selish standards, and he is notably short off-world (basically all Selish people are explained as short by non-Selish people))
Galladon has a tall and firm frame by Selish standards, wide hands and keen eyes.{{book ref|Elantris|1}} He is bald, and has been since his thirties.{{book ref|elantris|epilogue}}
During the Reod he has dark grey skin, covered in dark splotches and wrinkles.{{book ref|Elantris|1}}
After the Shaod is completed, he gains dark metallic silver skin.{{book ref|Elantris|61}} He is still bald.{{book ref|elantris|epilogue}}
Off-World the visible signs of the Shaod are reduced, so Galladon appears much like a typical Duladen man. He appears rather short and stocky in comparison to the standard Rosharan.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}
Galladon is a pragmatic, often pessimistic man.
