Difference between revisions of "Galladon"

103 bytes added ,  2 years ago
Corrected a minor misconception
(Corrected a minor misconception)
== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Galladon's father became an Elantrian while Galladon was still very young. Although, at that time, Elantrians were not required to move to Elantris, it was standard practice for them to live in Elantris to avoid persecution. Galladon lived with his mother and father in Elantris for several years, until his mother died. Following her death, Galladon's father became more and more withdrawn, until he finally died as a result of hisa depressionheart condition.{{book ref|elantris|25}} It was medically treatable, but he chose to let his life end rather than continue without his wife.
After both of his parents died, Galladon left Elantris, intending never to return.{{book ref|elantris|25}}
