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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|THEY1=<span AREstyle='font-variant: THEsmall-caps'> SPRENThey OFare PARSHMENthe LONGspren DEADof Parshmen long dead. THEYThey AREare THEIRtheir KINGSkings, THEIRtheir LIGHTEYESlighteyes, THEIRtheir VALIANTvaliant SOLDIERSsoldiers FROMfrom LONGlong, LONGlong AGOago. THEThe PROCESSprocess ISis NOTnot EASYeasy ONon THEMthem. SOMESome OFof THESEthese SPRENspren AREare MEREmere FORCESforces NOWnow, ANIMALISTICanimalistic, FRAGMENTSfragments OFof MINDSminds GIVENgiven POWERpower BYby ODIUMOdium. OTHERSOthers AREare MOREmore … AWAKEawake. EACHEach REBIRTHrebirth FURTHERfurther INJURESinjures THEIRtheir MINDSminds.<br /><br />
THEYThey AREare REBORNreborn USINGusing THEthe BODIESbodies OFof PARSHMENParshmen TOto BECOMEbecome THEthe FUSEDFused. </span>|multiline=y
|2=The [[Stormfather]]{{book ref|sa3|38}}}}
The '''Fused''' are ancient [[singer]]s who survived their death and are able to possess living singers during the Form bonding in the [[Everstorm]]. They are the highest authority in the singer society. They have powers similar to Surgebinding. [[Moash]] mentions that they only have nine orders instead of ten.