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(Updated a reference to use a Book reference)
The innate Investiture present in the materials to carve and ink a soulstamp seem to have a positive correlation to the ability of the stamp to take.{{tes ref|3}} The amount of Investiture present in soulstone is unknown, but Forgery ink is known to function better with organic materials as physical mediums, with inks from more complex creatures (suspected to correlate to innate Investiture from [[Adonalsium]] upon creation) being more effective at aiding a seal in taking.
Forgery shares a number of Realmatic similarities with other forms of magic. As with all Selish magics, it is powered by the Dor, limited by location, limited by birthplace, and encoded with symbols in a programmatic fashion.{{book ref|mb7|42}}{{wob ref|4054}}{{wob ref|9831}}{{wob ref|4695}}{{wob ref|4680}} Forgery is similar to Soulcasting, however instead of influencing a Cognitive aspect directly, it offers the change through the encoded symbols. It is theorized that the plausibility factor of Forgeries is why a physical transformation from a Forgery takes vastly less Investiture than the more forceful change from Soulcasting. The careful encoding also makes Forgery more precise and detailed than Soulcasting. The subtype of Forgery known as Resealing is suspected to work in a similar fashion to [[Aon#Ien|Aon Ien]], and to a lesser extent other healing methods throughout the [[cosmere]] such as [[Feruchemical]] [[gold]] or [[Stormlight]] healing. The physical medium of stamps and seals are shared with the cousin system of Bloodsealing, as is the use of organic inks.
== Subtypes of Forgery ==