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'''Fjorden''' is a theocratic nation state on [[Sel]]. The people of Fjorden are called the Fjordell.{{book ref|elantris|2}}
Strict and militaristic, Fjorden is the dominant country of the continent. About three hundred years ago, their leader, the Wyrn, converted to the Derethi religion, and within a generation all of Fjorden had done likewise. Now, instead of sending troops across the continent, Fjorden sends priests, and it's said that much of Fjorden's vast power comes from conversions obtained — or forced — by them.{{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryF}}
== Geography ==
Fjorden and its client states encompass the vast majority of the continent of [[Opelon]]. Fjorden itself is the largest and northernmost of them, lying along the long shore of the [[Sea of Fjorden]], while to the west, it's bordered by [[Atad Mountains]] (or Dathreki, as they are known to the Fjordell) and the country of [[Arelon]].{{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryD}}{{map ref|Opelon}}{{map ref|Arelon}} From South and East, Fjorden is bordered by its many subjugated nations -- going West-to-East, those are [[Duladel]], [[Jindo]], [[Jaador]], [[Hraggen]], [[Geant]] and [[Svorden]]. [[Hrovell]] is another subjugated state, although it lies south of Hraggen and Geant, and doesn't border Fjorden directly.{{map ref|Opelon}}
Fjorden nation has many fortified cities.{{book ref|Elantris|8}} The most notable of them is [[Widor]], the empire's capital.{{bookglossary ref|elantrisElantris|glossaryW}}
== History ==
For centuries, the Fjordell working class lived and died under a feudal system that treated them worse than farm animals. They did not rebel, as they were raised to it, and to them, the feudal system was the only system.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
The original state reigning over Fjorden was the Old Empire, also known as the First Empire. Over three hundred years ago, it nearly conquered all of Opelon—only Arelon, with the help of Elantrian magic, stood against it. Eventually, the Old Empire fell because of administrative problems—it conquered more than it could hold. {{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryF}}
About three hundred years ago, Wyrn Wulfden the First converted to the Derethi religion, and within a generation all of Fjorden had done likewise. Thus, Fjorden was reborn -- this time, as a theocracy. For the next three hundred years, the Wyrns have been blatantly altering their country’s own histories and literature to make it seem as if the empire has always been a manifestation of divine purpose. Poetry and lives of kings were all rewritten to remove any outdated references - after all, they couldn't have it sounding like their greatest historical king was a pagan.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
The modern Fjordell empire is governed by a militaristic theocracy. Both the church and the empire are ruled by the [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]], although the [[skaze]], [[Splinter]]s of [[Dominion]], also have a direct influence on Fjordell politics.{{book ref|elantris|3}}{{wob ref|4641}}
Wyrn is both the title of the Fjordell emperor and a religious title indicating the highest priest in the Derethi religion. His official title is "Regent of all Creation", referring to his state of rulership until [[Jaddeth]], the Derethi god, rises to build his Empire. He's also referred to as the Prophet of Shu-Dereth and Ruler of Jaddeth's Holy Kingdom.{{book ref|elantris|3}} The current Wyrn is Wulfden the Fourth; he lives in the Zigareth, a palace in Widor.{{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryF}}
The national religion of [[Shu-Dereth]] commands all followers to adhere to a rigid chain of command, reminiscent of ancient Fjordell feudal system. At the top of that chain is the Wyrn, who's believed to commune directly with [[Jaddeth]]. This allows each person in the empire to serve Jaddeth, even though only the Wyrn is holy enough to do so directly.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
Fjorden is a rich country. It has strong trade with Teod and Arelon, as well as all of its current territories. It is wealthy enough to use money to control foreign politics, like the support from [[Telrii]] in Arelon.{{book ref|Elantris|15}} It is also infamously known for capitalizing on other cities' chaos.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
Wyrnig is the Fjordell gold coin.{{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryW}} It is stamped with the profile of the Wyrn.{{book ref|elantris|15}}
== Culture ==
| Lord Jaddeth can only return when all men are united beneath Fjordell rule.
| Hrathen to Dilaf{{book ref|Elantris|9}}
Fjorden's religion is the [[Shu-Dereth]], founded by Dereth. Shu-Dereth interprets Keseg’s teachings to mean that all men must be united beneath the rule of one nation. Dereth taught that once all men bow before a single monarch, proving their unified nature, their god would come to live amongst them.{{book ref|elantris|9}} Said god is [[Jaddeth]]; only one man can serve him.{{book ref|elantris|8}}
Though Dereth's ideas were originally rejected in his native [[JinDo]], they were embraced by the Fjordell. The founders of Shu-Dereth realized the power of the religion. They decided that if they could get the nations of the East to believe in a single religion – with that religion centered in Fjorden – they would have power equal to, or even greater than, the power of the Old Empire. At the same time, they wouldn’t have to worry about rebellion, or even bureaucracy. The people of the other nations would govern themselves, but would give devotion, loyalty, and money to Fjorden.{{bookwob ref|Elantris|Annotations 332072}}
Wyrn Wulfden the First converted, and so, therefore, did most of his people. Since that time, Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden, and has spread to all of the eastern nations. Fjorden’s militaristic society stratified and organized Dereth’s teachings into an almost martial level.{{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryS}}
Strict and militaristic, the Fjordell live by the Shu-Dereth. Fjordell will do anything to rise in ranks — ambition is the one emotion Jaddeth would accept as readily as devotion.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{book ref|Elantris|21}} As per Shu-Dereth's basic tenets, only one man can serve Jaddeth directly, and so the religion is very regimented. Any believer serves the ones above them, who in turn serve their own master, and so on until it reaches Wyrn, who serves Jaddeth himself.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
=== People and language ===
Fjordell tend to have dark black hair and be very wide of build.{{bookglossary ref|Elantris|GlossaryF}} Their language is called the Fjordell; according to their doctrine, it's Jaddeth's own chosen tongue, and thus holy, while other languages are considered profane.{{book ref|Elantris|12}} The native Fjordell accent is thick and melodic.{{book ref|Elantris|5}}
The language prefers guttural sounds. ‘U’ sounds, ‘F’ sounds, ‘H’ sounds, and ‘G’ sounds. It has a ‘Y’ sound in the form of a ‘J,’ and placed emphasis on the ‘Hr’ combination. From this language come names like Dilaf, Jaddeth (pronounced yah-death,) and Sycla.{{url ref|url=https://brandonsanderson.com/books/elantris/elantris/languages-of-elantris/|text=Languages of Elantris|site=brandonsanderson.com}}
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