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== Lore & Background ==
'''Feruchemy''' is the only one of the Metallic Arts that was in widespread use before the Lord Ruler's [[Ascension of the Lord Ruler]]. It is a genetic ability found in the ancient people of [[Terris]], but as during the time of the [[Final Empire]] most Terrismen were eunuchs because of the [[Lord Ruler]]'s breeding programs, Feruchemists became exceedingly rare.
A '''Feruchemist''' can use metals to store particular attributes in metal, somewhat like a battery. The larger the piece of metal is (and the closer it is to Allomantic purity), the more of that particular attribute can be stored. A Feruchemist can draw upon their metals in increased, compounded qualities, but the faster they do this, the lesser returns they receive. Only the Feruchemist who stored those attributes can draw upon them later, however.