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(Added info and citation from TSM)
The '''fain''' or '''fainlife''' is a class of lifeforms on [[Yolen]].{{au ref|scadrial}} Fain creatures generally have six limbs.{{wob ref|16020}}
Two of the three sapient species from Yolen, the [[Sho Del]] and [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragons]], are fain;{{wob ref|9676}}{{wob ref|16020}} the Sho Del fill the same niche in the fain ecosystem that humans fill in the normal one.{{wob ref|14342}} Another form of fainlife is [[Tamu Kek]]s, bones that are somehow similar to [[singer]] [[gemheart]]s and can be used for inter-[[Realmatic Theory|Realm]] communication in some way.{{wob ref|10319}}{{wob ref|14644}} Fain flora is bone-white.{{book ref|tsm|10}}{{wob ref|9518}}
Though it originated on Yolen, the fain ecosystem has spread beyond that planet in significant ways.{{wob ref|15333}}{{wob ref|15686}} Knowledge of its existence is not uncommon among [[cosmere]]-aware people after the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]]; when discussing how [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] used the Yolish ecosystem as a model for [[Scadrial]], [[Khriss]] is able to mention without further explanation that "of course" this means the non-fain parts.{{au ref|scadrial}}
