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A fabrial iswas a mechanical device that usesused [[spren]] captured in gemstones to perform different tasks. There arewere five types of fabrial in three different categories.
==Altering fabrials==
Altering fabrials consisted of Augmenters and Diminishers.
'''Augmenters''' were fabrials crafted to enhance something, they worked best with forces, emotions or sensations.
The [[Half-shard]]s of Jah Keved were augmenters, a fabrial attatched to a sheet of metal which enhanced its durability{{ref|b|WoK|Ars}}.
'''Diminishers''' were fabrials which did the opposite of an augmenter, they diminished something. They generally fell under the same restrictions as augmenters.
Painrials were diminishers, they reduced the amount of pain someone felt{{ref|b|WoK|Ars}}.
==Pairing fabrials==
Reversers and Conjoiners were both Pairing fabrials. Pairing fabrials were a fairly recent discovery during the times of the [[Vengeance Pact]].
'''Conjoiners''' were fabrials involving an infused ruby which was split in half, the split halves would then create parallel reactions across a distance{{ref|b|WoK|Ars}}.
[[Spanreed]]s were the best known examples of conjoiner fabrials.
Force is conserved in these reactions, moving one of the two halves requires an effort equal to that required to move both.
'''Reverses''' were created in a similar manner except with an amethyst instead of a ruby and they created opposite reactions.
==Warning fabrials==
There was only one known type of this fabrial, an alerter warned of a nearby object, sensation or phenomenon.
Heliodor stones were used as the focus for this type of fabrial however it is possible that other stones may be used.
[[Category:Magic]][[Category:Stormlight Archive]]