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Creating modern fabrials requires trapping the proper type of [[spren]] in a gemstone cut for that purpose.{{book ref|sa3|33}} To trap the spren, artifabrians lure it into a gemstone with something it loves and knows well. Once it is lured into the gem, the spren cannot easily escape.{{book ref|sa3|100}} The types of spren that can be captured in a [[polestone]] depend on the gem's type and color, implying that there are thousands of possible combinations.{{file ref|Navani1.jpg|text=Navani's Notebook: One}} These fabrial-gems are encased in a wire frame, but it is unknown whether this has an effect on the fabrial. Their power can be determined by the pattern of Stormlight that gets filtered through the gemstone, although it cannot be seen with the naked eye.{{file ref|Navani2.jpg|text=Navani's Notebook: Two}} Spren corrupted by [[Sja-anat]] will behave differently in a fabrial.{{wob ref|11659}}
Once trapped in a gem, spren respond to stimuli in consistent and predictable ways. The metal frame surrounding the gem creates the stimuli the spren react to - pressing metal against a flamespren in a ruby increases and decreases heat.{{book ref|sa3|33}} Spren react to different metals in different ways, [[zinc]] will cause the spren to more strongly manifest, while [[brass]] will cause it to withdraw and its power to dim. {{book ref|sa4|7}} It is unknown how this relates to [[allomantic]] soothing and rioting, but the use of these particular metals to riot or soothe the effects of the spren is likely not a coincidence. Multiple fabrial gems can be placed inside a single wire frame, which lets them work together to create more complex results. The [[emotion bracelet]], for example, has ten gems, with patterns in which they light up corresponding to different emotions.{{file ref|Navani2.jpg|text=Navani's Notebook: Two}}
It appears that fabrials are affected by the frame of reference of their user. For example: a spanreed being used on a ship at sea will also transfer the motion of the ship to the conjoined spanreed unless the user can conceive of both spanreeds as belonging to the same frame of reference. {{book ref|sa3.5|5}} The exact cause of this is unknown, but suspected to be related to spren response to human perception.