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(→‎Types: gem drainer fabrial and moneychanger transfer devices)
(→‎Unknown types: added what we know of the lifts at Urithiru)
==== Drainer ====
Though their name is unknown, these fabrials can partially drain stormlight from gems to diminish their glow, for aesthetic purposes.{{book ref|sa1|55}}
==== Urithiru lifts====
The lifts in Urithiru are related to conjoined fabrials working together with sets of gears.{{book ref|sa3|24}} There are empty slots on the railings on which infused gemstones can be inserted, from which the lift will draw Stormlight and begin to move. The lift draws enough power to reach the next floor, and upon reaching the first destination the platform will keep drawing Stormlight from the gemstone to perpetuate the operation of the fabrial. If at any point during the rise or descend the gemstone is removed, the lift will continue to travel until the following floor, stopping at that position. A lever on the platform can be switched to determine the direction of motion.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
===Possible Fabrials===