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The '''Everstorm''' is a weather pattern on [[Roshar]] similar to a [[highstorm]]. The storm travels from west to east, opposite the direction of traditional highstorms. It appears to be referenced as being the same thing as the [[True Desolation]] by [[Honor]] in [[Dalinar]]'s visions, but it is possible the Everstorm is only a part of the True Desolation. It has not been summoned in previous [[Desolation|Desolations]].
The Everstorm was summoned by Stormform [[Listener|listeners]] during the [[Battle of Narak]] at the end of the [[War of Reckoning]]. Where regular highstorms are products of the [[Stormfather]], a splinter of Honor, the Everstorm is not of Honor. It is presumably of [[Odium]]. It attracts [[stormspren]] and has the unique physical feature of red lightning. It also has the side effect of transforming any Parshman who come in contact with it into a [[Voidbringer]]. This has obvious and terrible consequences for the other inhabitants of Roshar. Because of the Everstorm's backwards path and unexpected summoning, Rosharans will be nearly defenseless against its destruction, as both stormwardens and physical barriers will be useless against it. It is noted that it will round Roshar less frequently than a high storm.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
== Notes ==
{{event|title=[[War of Reckoning]]|prev=[[Battle of Narak]]|next=''Unknown''}}
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