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(alloy composition is relevant to all Metallic Arts, not just Allomancy)
{{icon|duralumin|m|150px|right|thumb|The Allomantic symbol for duralumin}}
'''Duralumin''' is the internal enhancement pushing metal. An Allomancer burning duralumin is able to greatly enhance other metals they are burning. Feruchemists can use duralumin to store connection, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, duralumin steals an unknown quality.
=== Alloy Composition ===
Allomancer'sThe duralumin used in the Metallic Arts is ninety-six percent aluminum, four percent copper. {{book ref|mb2|2}}
== Allomantic Use ==
''It must be noted however that the effects of a duralumin push or pull could (seriously) hurt a Mistborn. While burning tin, the Mistborn burning it could be shocked by the sensory overload as well as temporarily numb, blind and deaf. An Iron pull or steel push could become so strong it can feel like the Mistborn is being torn apart.''{{book ref|mb2|8}}{{book ref|mb2|11}}
A duralumin Misting gains nothing from his powers.{{book ref|aol|part=ars}}
=== Alloy Composition ===
Allomancer's duralumin is ninety-six percent aluminum, four percent copper. {{book ref|mb2|2}}
== Feruchemical Use ==
== Trivia ==
* Duralumin is a real alloy of aluminum, and is fairly common.{{ref|name=a-mb2-5}}
* If [[Vin]] hadn't had duralumin in the fight at the [[Luthadel Assembly]] meeting both [[Elend]] and her would have died.{{book ref|mb2|38}}{{ref|name=a-mb2-38}}
* An alternative ending to ''[[The Well of Ascension]]'' has a conversation about duralumin between [[Vin]] and [[Elend]].{{ref|name=mb2-alt-end}}
* The [[Lord Ruler]] kept aluminum and it's alloy [[duralumin]] from public knowledge to give the [[Inquisitors]] an advantage.{{ref|name=a-mb3-74}}
* Brandon wrote the [[Battle of Hathsin]]'s ending to include [[Elend]] burning both duralumin and [[atium]] because lots of people had asked about the combination.{{ref|name=a-mb3-81-3}}
== Notes ==