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== History ==
During the [[Final Empire]], the [[Lord Ruler]] kept [[aluminum]] and it's alloy duralumin from public knowledge to give the [[Inquisitors]] an advantage.{{ref|name=a-mb3-74}} Another reason why aluminum and duraluninduralumin were unknown to people is that refining aluminum requires advanced technology of electrolysis. Without the ability, the Lord Ruler acquired small amounts of the metal from ashmounts.
[[Vin]], having been fed aluminum by the Inquisitors, figured there should be an alloy for it, too.{{cite}} She tested out various alloys of aluminum despite the risk, and discovered only one alloy which doesn't cause sickness, but also generates no effect when burned. While sparring with [[Zane]], Vin was stunned to find out the effect of duralumin. She kept the secret to few and later this granted her a significant advantage.