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== Characters ==
;[[Dreamer (character)|Dreamer]] :Dave, better known by his gaming handle "Dreamer," is the viewpoint character of the story. He is part of a group of poltergeists that play games by possessing the living. He is determined to catch and beat his older brother Phi in a game of cops and robbers since Phi always seems to get the best of him. He doggedly pursues Phi as the "Detective" in the game and manages to win before being baited into another contest by Phi.
* [[Dreamer (character)|Dave/Dreamer]]
;[[Phi]] :Phi is Dreamer's older brother. Even before they died and became poltergeists, Phi was competitive, disliked losing, and could always slip away from difficult situations. He brags to the gaming group of poltergeists that he could take them all on himself, leading them to play a 1-on-5 game of cops and robbers. He nearly wins the game but is stopped long enough in disembodied form by Dreamer that the opposing team could win the game. He doesn't concede defeat, however, and claims that Dreamer cheated before challenging him to a footrace.
* [[Phi]]
;[[Longshot]] :Longshot is the member of Dreamer's team that Phi was hunting. She acted as a relay point for messages and coordination between the team members.
* [[Longshot]]
;[[Icer]] :Icer sets up on top of a building to track Phi and later is killed before she can stop him going after Longshot.
* [[Icer]]
;[[Rabies]] :Rabies is killed early on in the game but manages to capture Phi in his last body after being held back by Dreamer.
* [[Rabies]]
;[[TheGanon]] :TheGannon is assigned to guard Longshot, but has an argument with her in the middle of the game and leaves.
* [[TheGanon]]
== Publication History ==