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m (I don't think their homeworld is Starsight so I removed that from the infobox. I also reworded the opening paragraph and made some other minor changes)
|world=Starsight (station)
|universe=[[Skyward Universe]]
|books=[[Skyward (series)]]
'''Dione'''s are an alien race in the [[Skyward Universe]].{{book ref|sky2|9}}
== Appearance and Anatomy ==
Drafts are unborn diones{{book ref|sky2|15}}.
==== Appearance ====
Drafts have a very particular coloration, being entirely crimson on the right half and blue on the left.{{cite}} Similarly, a draft's facial features are split into two, with each side being that of the respective parent.{{book ref|sky2|16}} Otherwise, Drafts look just like any other dione.
==== Biology ====
Drafts are created from a literal merger of their parents as a way for the rest of the family to meet the newest family member before their birth.{{book ref|sky2|12}}{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} They inherit a mixture of skills, abilities, and memories from both of their parents, but not everything.{{book ref|sky2|16}}{{book ref|sky2|22}}{{book ref|sky2|28}}{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} They are curiously not twice as massive as an average dione, implying that some of the mass is shed in the pupation process.{{book ref|sky2|16}} Drafts have two copies of most internal organs, one from each parent. This includes brains, which fuse together to create the draft's brain.{{book ref|sky2|16}} This fusion is not perfect: from time to time, drafts will have small conflicts between their sides, such as reaching for a tool with both hands instead of just one. These conflicts wax at the end of the drafting period, as the two halves of the draft are preparing to once again separate into individuals.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
==== Redrafting ====
Redrafting is the name of the process in which a draft separates back into their parents -- the leftparent and rightparent, respectively.{{book ref|sky2|16}} After five months have passed, the draft will either split back into their parents so that they can give birth to this new dione, or be redrafted into a draft with a new personality.{{book ref|sky2|16}}{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} This period can be cut short by the draft if desired.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} Redrafting does not hurt, even though the personality and most memories of the previous draft are erased.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} The drafting and redrafting processes take place in a drafting pod, a wooden bed-like object with a divot in the center. The draft lies in the hollow center among a nutrient bath which aids the process.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
Once the redrafting period has ended and the family has settled on a personality they all like, the parents produce a child. These baby diones require a few years to develop before they start taking on characteristics of the personalities they had as drafts.{{book ref|sky2|epilogue}}
== Cultural References ==
=== Gestures ===
*Diones raise their hands in surrender, nod, and point in a similar fashion to humans.{{book ref|sky2|45}}
== Notable Diones ==
== Trivia ==
* The Diones are one of the five main species that lead the [[Superiority]].
* According to Morriumur, diones have cultivated their souls to lack any aggression or violence.{{book ref|sky2|16}}
*The Diones are one of the five main species that lead the [[Superiority]].
* Elder family members in dione families are referred to as Grands. Other family members, of an uncertain relation, are referred to as piblings.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
*According to Morriumur, diones have cultivated their souls to lack any aggression or violence.{{book ref|sky2|16}}
*Elder family members in dione families are referred to as Grands. Other family members, of an uncertain relation, are referred to as piblings.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
== Notes ==